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* SICKO MODE by Travis Scott
* Jimmy Cooks by Drake, 21 Savage

"Cheater!" Rafe points out, complaining as he leaves the ice, and pulling his water bottle towards his lips, but giving up on the idea and just throwing it on himself instead, making his hair, face and the collar of his shirt wet. "We never established rules." I say, shrugging as I drink from my water bottle.

"That was insane. Where did you learn how to play like that?" Dean asks, widened eyes. He is actually surprised, what a sweetheart. I give him a warm smile. "Grew up with two boys, remember?" I recall, chuckling a bit as my sentence is followed by "ahh".

"Yeah, and, uh" I cough a little, "You all are really fucking obvious to your issues, and bad at dealing with it. We have too much to work on." I tell them, going towards the bench where I left my stuff to pull out my notebook, and a pen. Then writing as I speak.

"Starting with.. Christopher. Look, you are great at never losing the puck out of sight, your focus on it is really admirable, however, your leave your legs too opened for a shot, and the left upper side is always at risk. I know you know that, so when I played against you, you took more care of those shots, but the truth is, is better to not have any of them pre-prepared, otherwise the players won't shoot for it, and they don't know which points are your strongest and weakest. Don't make it obvious, or get fat and cover the entire goal" I say, the players chuckle at my last phrase.

"Dean, you are way too self centered. Think too highly of yourself, remember this is a team, people need your trust. And since we're at it, let's talk about what the fuck was that shit show, Hayden and James. I mean seriously, what the fuck. Are you in elementary school? Trying to get kicked out? Need mommy here to solve you guys problems?" I pout exaggeratedly, making a whine noise at the end. "Solve your beef, or get the fuck out of the ice. Your fights don't matter on the game time, you think with your head and brain, in case you have one. You pass. You both are good players, don't dig up your own grave" I tell them sternly, growing annoyed just by thinking of the infantility of the situation. 

"Uh, Maxwell as well, are you fucking with me? Are you thinking I'm a clown?" I ask the darker skinned guy, looking with rage into his eyes. He doesn't answer but looks scared. "Fucking tell me, do you think I'm a clown? Thinking this is mischief? It isn't, it's stupidity. You come to one more practice high, and I'm making sure you never step into a hockey rink for at least a decade, do you copy that?" I ask again, "Yes, coach" He answers with his head low. "Didn't get that, do you understand?" I say a tone higher, he lifts up his head and answer me correctly. "Yes, coach, yes.".

"Yeah, you better."

"Rafael, you have some anger issues there, and just like before, need me to take you to a psychiatrist?" I pout, gesturing with my hands up in my eyes crying. "Control yourself, we're not animals." I tell him, he scoffs. "Oh what? Got something to say?" I dare, and he buffs out his chest, showing indifference. "Yeah, actually. For someone who had to fake an injure to win, you talk too much" He barks back, making me laugh at his statement.

"I didn't have to, I wanted to. And the fact that you budged so easily, letting me just get saved as a damsel in distress..." I scoff "well let me enlighten you, golden boy, I don't need saving, just like no one in that rink does. You know what they do need? A win. So get that."

He nods, rolling his eyes.

"Don't forget I'm your coach, I'm the one that single handed, with at least an inch less, and 80 pounds lighter, won against all of you. Listen to me and be the best, or don't and walk out this place right now." I tell them sternly.

I need to show authority, otherwise, this guys will never see me as a superior inside these walls. "Outside of here, I can be your friend. Inside, coach." I mark my words, turning on my heels. "To the gym big guys" I announce when no one says ca word, and we all walk  uh towards it.

Once we arrive I instruct a different type of training to each of them, focusing on the skills they need to work on for their position.

After around an hour, I get bored of seeing sweaty guys, even though they are all so incredibly hot, and sit back on my chair and desk, opening my laptop so I can finish off my essay. I grab my glasses and try to focus, I do a little done, until Rafe walks in, dripping in sweat, without his shirt on, inside my office.

"So, Rora, do you torture me for fun, or are you just that hateful towards my being?" He asks, walking inside the office and closing the door. "Both" I answer, not looking from above my screen, trying to think.

"You know, I want revenge. This time, establishing rules." He orders, walking closer towards my desk. I look up from my glasses and sigh. "You'll never win of me, specially without a goalie." I warn him, tapping the side of my computer, still trying to think of how to keep going.

He grins, and comes to my side, walking around the desk. He leans down, I feel his hot breath on my neck as he reads my essay. "Use another citation. A specific one this time, not like that one, that's too neutral. And, god, you suck at this" He almost chuckles, his eyes scanning all of my work. "If you're not gonna help-" I start and he rolls his eyes, placing his hands on my keyboard as his arms go through both of my sides.

He erases a few sentences, and rewrites it in a formal way, a way that falls together perfectly. "You're welcome" He says, leaning his hand on my shoulder before bringing it through his hair. "If you're good at education, why are you so desperate for hockey?" I asked intrigued. "Are you telling me I'm smart?" He asks, smirking. "Are you dodging my question?" I smirk right back, and for a slight moment I glance at his lips and lick mine, bringing his attention to them too.

"Too deep, too soon princess. Ask me it in a couple of months, and you'll know the answer." He says, backing away and leaving my office, but before walking past the door, he leans on the frame of it and states "Here at 7pm next Friday, I'll show you just how smart I am."

"I win, you shut up and accept my complaints about your way of playing" I offer, raising my brows. He grins "When I win, you'll go out on a date with me." He says, I wanna laugh at the stupidity, but I nod my head. "It's a deal" I tell him, he nods.

As he is about to close the door, he opens it again "Oh, and you look good with glasses" He says, staying there just enough time to see the heat growing in my cheeks. "Gotta check my bill huh" I taunt, he frowns. "What?" He asks confused. "Don't remember asking for your opinion!" I shout, he chuckles and turn around "Can't tell me you didn't like it" He says, knowingly pointing his finger at the air, "You'll be falling for me too Campbell, just wait" He affirms, turning around to show me his perfect smile, as he closes the door.

Oh but he has no idea who I am now, does he? It's gonna take more than a few compliments to get me there.


Heeeyyy you all, I know I know, late update and everything, but, it's a double update!! Thank you so much for the votes and comments. I absolutely LOVE seeing you guys's comments and opinions on it.

Again, sorry for any gramatical errors, this story has not been revised, and I'm not a native English speaker.

Love you all, please tell me your opinions and tips, but with respect and care.

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