Chapter 1

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I couldn't shake the sense of displacement as I stepped onto the bustling school grounds. Each footfall seemed to echo a reminder of my profound disconnection from this new environment. In the crowded hallways, I became an invisible bystander, brushed past by hurried students who were oblivious to my presence. The jarring transition from the serene landscapes of the Philippines to the unpredictable weather of Washington State intensified my feelings of disorientation. It was as if the state itself mirrored my inner turmoil, its mood swinging from sunny skies to relentless rain.

My mother's best friend, Isabella Cruz, had become my guardian after my mother's tragic passing. Isabella and her husband, unable to conceive children of their own, had graciously opened their home to me. Their kindness and warmth provided a semblance of stability in the midst of my upheaval, offering a ray of hope amidst the stormy clouds of uncertainty.

No longer enveloped in the cocoon of luxury and care, I felt like a ghost wandering among the living. The indifference of those around me only reinforced my sense of invisibility. It was a sensation I wasn't accustomed to, and one that weighed heavily on my shoulders with each passing moment.

As I attempted to find the school office, I approached various students for directions. However, my efforts were met with disdainful glances and hurried dismissals. Some simply brushed past me with a feigned apology, their reluctance to assist the new girl evident in their actions.

Just as I was about to give up hope, a girl with olive skin and light brown hair swept into a side ponytail approached me. Her friendly demeanor was a ray of light in my otherwise dreary day. The smile she wore made her appear like a living doll, flawless and inviting.

"Oh, you're new here, aren't you?" the girl said, grinning warmly. I simply nodded in response.

"Well, my name is Natalia Frostfire. I'm the senior class president," she introduced herself with a bright smile.

I remained silent, my lips sealed shut, unable to utter a word. After what had happened back in the Philippines, I had resolved to remain silent, especially after the intense police questioning. Retrieving my backpack, I opened it and pulled out a notebook, quickly jotting down a response.

Natalia regarded me with a puzzled expression as I continued to write in the notebook.

"My name is Mirella Mondragon," I wrote quickly in my notebook, feeling a pang of vulnerability as I handed it over to Natalia.

At first, Natalia gave me a puzzled look, but then her expression softened into a forced smile. "Well, welcome, Mirella," she said warmly. "Let me show you where the office is."

Natalia turned and began to walk, and I followed quietly behind her, grateful for her kindness amidst my uncertainty.

As we reached the administrative office, a tall figure emerged from within. Standing at 6 feet tall, he exuded an aura of effortless confidence. His tousled dark hair cascaded in waves, framing his forehead and brushing against the nape of his neck, reminiscent of a fashion model straight out of an Abercrombie catalog. His athletic build accentuated his stature, and his striking greyish-brownish eyes held a hint of familiarity as they locked onto Natalia.

"Hey, babe!" the guy greeted with a warm smile.

"Hey, babe!" Natalia returned the greeting, leaning in to peck him on the lips.

"What are you up to?" he inquired, his smile widening.

"Oh, just showing the new girl around," Natalia replied, gesturing towards me.

"Oh, hi, my name is Caleb. Nice to meet you," he said, extending his hand. However, I maintained a neutral expression and didn't take it, causing him to drop his arm.

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