Chapter 3

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I found myself seeking solace in the bathroom stall during lunch, needing a break from the events of the day. I was tired of the stares and whispers that seemed to follow me everywhere, making me feel like an outsider in my own school. As I sat on the closed lid of a toilet, I hugged my knees to my chest, feeling the weight of the day bearing down on me. It was only the second day of school, and already I was beginning to despise it. I used to be confident, unbothered by the opinions of others, but now, without my mom and with the rumors swirling around me, that confidence seemed to have faded away. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice the voices approaching until they were right outside the bathroom door.

"Oh my gosh, you and your boyfriend are so cute. I can't believe it's been a year since you two started dating," exclaimed a voice.

"I know, right? I'm head over heels for Caleb!" Natalia's voice echoed through the bathroom. "He's the star quarterback of this school. I still pinch myself sometimes, can't believe he's mine."

"You're right. The golden couple, as everyone says," agreed the voice.

"Thanks, Serena!" Natalia replied with a smile in her voice.

"So, what do you think of that new girl?" asked Serena.

"That girl is so weird. Why is she even in our school if she can't talk?" Natalia remarked. "She doesn't even belong here."

"I agree, she needs to go to a special school. Somewhere where people understand her," Serena added, her tone dismissive. Natalia chuckled in agreement. "Oh, here's your lipstick I borrowed, Natalia," Serena added, changing the subject smoothly.

I realized that Natalia was adept at maintaining a facade of kindness while harboring different sentiments underneath. Throughout the school, she was revered as if she were the queen bee, even more popular than the cheerleaders. Rumors circulated about her family's influence, with claims that her parents owned the school and could secure letters of recommendation for Ivy League admissions. It was clear she had significant connections and wielded considerable influence.

"I should bring this up to my dad," Natalia declared with a dismissive tone. "We don't have any special accommodations for someone like her. I mean, seriously, she comes to our school and communicates with a board. Pathetic. She should find somewhere else to go." Natalia paused before continuing, "Anyway, let's head back. Caleb mentioned he has a surprise for me."

As the bathroom door clicked shut, tears welled up in my eyes. There was a reason why I chose not to speak. I've witnessed too much, been through too much, and it feels like my voice doesn't matter anymore. I've fought and fought, but no one seems to listen or believe me. After what happened to my mom, it took a toll on me. I told myself to just be invisible, to fade into the background and live life quietly. In this world, it feels like no one cares. The only thing I can do is go to school, graduate, and mind my own business.

With a heavy sigh, I rose from the toilet seat, unlocked the bathroom stall, and made my way to the sink to wash my hands. As I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, I no longer saw the girl who once exuded confidence and fought for what was right. Instead, I saw a shattered version of myself, once loved by everyone, now surrounded by hatred and loneliness. In that moment, the weight of the world felt crushing, and I couldn't shake the feeling of being utterly alone.

After finishing up in the bathroom, I stepped out into the empty halls, the faint echo of chatter from the cafeteria a reminder of the lunchtime bustle I chose to avoid. Scarlett didn't bother to check on me after offering to help me around. Typical. But I didn't need anyone. I could navigate this place on my own. Besides, I was a senior, counting down the days until graduation.

Lost in my thoughts and unfamiliar with the layout of the school, I rounded a corner and collided with someone, sending their papers flying to the ground.

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