How Will and Nico broke each other's hearts.

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So...lots of angst.

TW SH and mentions of sewer slide


Will opened the door to the hades cabin, searching for Nico.

"Neeks? Where are you?" he called. He heard crying coming from the bathroom. Shit.

Will tried the handle, but it wouldn't open. He pounded the door.

"Nico! Let me in! It's just me!" he yelled. He just heard crying in response. Screw it. Will took a deep breath and gathered his strength. He grabbed the door handle and ripped it off, effectively opening the locked door. Will gasped at what he saw.

Nico was on the ground, cuts up and down his arms, blood all around him. Fuck. Will picked him up and held him close to his chest. Nico sobbed in his arms. Will hated the sound, so he forced him asleep.

"Kayla, I need help bandaging his arms," Will said to her as she watched him walk in with a look of terror.

"Um, y-yeah of course." They got to work trying to stop the bleeding and bandage all the cuts. It took a while, and then Will had to find some blood to give Nico, because he had lost so much.

He could barely stand to see Nico like that, his cheeks tear stained and his arms wrapped in bandages. He tore his eyes away and went to Nico's cabin, scrubbing the blood off the floor.

A couple of hours later, Nico woke up. He saw Will next to him, holding his hand with a pained expression on his face. He had tears in his eyes and his cheeks were red.

"You're awake." Nico smiled weakly.

"Hi." He could feel Will's anger.

"Hi? 'Oh yeah, I nearly killed myself, but hey what's up how're you doing this fine day, hm?' Seriously Nico?" Will stood up, clearly pissed, but Nico didn't know why exactly.

"What's your problem?" he shot back.

"My problem? Nico what is wrong with you!? D-Do you not trust me or something? Why don't you talk to me? I could have HELPED you! Do you even..." Will sat down and dragged his hands through his hair. "No, you know what? I'm making this about me. Are you okay? How do your arms feel?"

"I'm fine, now continue what you were saying. What were you about to say?"

"No, I'm not doing this now you have to rest-"

"No! Continue it, because you're obviously pissed with something on your mind, so talk!" Nico said angrily. Will closed his eyes and took a breath.

"You know what I have on my mind? You. All of the time. And at this point I'm not sure if you feel the same way! You tell me you love me, then you go and try to commit fucking suicide! D-D-Do you even trust me enough to tell me how you feel? If you love me, talk to me! Show me that you trust me, show me that you aren't a goddamn liar!" Tears were coming steadily down Will's face.

"I...I'm sorry, Will, I-"

"No, sorry doesn't fucking cut it! I love you so much, and it feels like it's completely one sided! I try so hard to make you happy, and I get nothing in return! Jesus, I..." Will sat down and put his head in his hands. "I love you more than anything in the world. Honestly it scares me sometimes, how attached I am. You're breaking my heart, Nico." Nico could barely see through his tears.


"You know, maybe we just aren't meant for each other, Nico."

"No! Please, stay with me," Nico cried.

"I just can't do this anymore. I can't be with you anymore. This is goodbye, Nico."

And that is how Nico and Will broke each other's hearts.

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