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Eli stood by the door and leaned on its frame. On his arm he held her niece, Ally. She was resting on his shoulder. A rare sight. Rue waited for him to speak but all he did was wear this smug that he knew something she didn't. Yet she didn't bother to ask him what it was.

"We are rich," He said.

"Rich?" She asked, bored.

He nodded, he seemed happy and accommodative than usual so Rue decided she could afford him some of her time to listen to his nonsense.

"The house is finally sold," He stated.

She stopped painting her nails and sat upright. "Sold the house? How?" she asked. The last she remember, her father had refused to sell.

"How?" She questioned.

"It was under mum's name, all she had to do was sign," He answered.

She contemplated going downstairs to see her father and maybe talk to her mother. She knew her mother was capable of anything but not to this extend. Selling her father's family house?

Rue walked past her brother and rushed downstairs. Her father was not around so was her mother. Just then she heard a car hoot from the outside. She hurriedly went to see.

Her mouth went agape when she saw her mother alight from a sleek Mercedes S class. She certainly didn't waste time in spending the money. She had dyed her hair and had a haircut. She wore a white pair of pant suits and heels. She had fully transformed her looks from a tired trailer housewife to a trophy wife that spend her days at country club and brunches. She open the boot and retrieved designer shopping bags.

"Don't just stand, come help." She commanded.

The neighbors had come out just to see what was happening. Rue didn't do as her mother had asked. She stormed back. She was furious of her mothers' betrayal.

Few minutes later her mother walked in, furious too at her disobedience.

"Am i glad we finally sold this house because after we move from here, you are on your own." She spat.

"How could you?" Rue asked.

"How could i save our family from this nasty place. Look at it." Her mother pointed through the house.

She knew that the house wasn't all that flattery but she hoped someday she would get the means to make it look alive again.

"How much did your betrayal cost?" She demanded.

"You are not my mate to be questioning me and i will not be a spectator of your disrespect." Her mother pushed past her with her many shopping bags.

She could bet that within a month that she would blow through the money and now they would be penniless and homeless. She shook her head disappointed.

Suffocated by what was happening she decided to go get fresh air before her shift began.

Rarely did she ever go to their backyard. It was just filled with bushes and shrubs and God know what else hid there. Memories filled her, the first few years they moved here. Her parents were happy. They hosted several barbeques. Her father didn't drink that much, her mother smiled because her father worship her with gifts until he couldn't. She wished for a second to be in that moment, it was so imperfectly perfect.

She took a step forward and then saw a leg obscured by leaves and grass. She took another step forward before her sandal got stuck on an overgrown grass. She cussed as she freed her sandal. The grass still had the morning dew, she hated how the wet grass stuck on her bare skin and knew it would itch badly.

On the ground laid her father. How did he end up here? What was he doing here? And how long had he been here. She watched him lay down on the ground face down. His clothes were dirty and besides him seemed like he was trying to dig something but failed at few attempts.

She immediately knelt beside him and rolled him over. She let out a deafening shriek as she saw his blue face. She stumbled back, tripping on the shovel beside him.

One thing she was sure was, he was gone.

Not once did Rue ever expect to lose a parent. Not once did she think she could lose her father. Even with his alcoholism she only wanted to get away but not lose him.

It had not been long before her brother heard her scream he came running. As the police carried him away, she could barely speak or think. Her body had numbed. Apparently he had a heart attack and he had been there for a day. How sad that not even herself she noticed his absence.

For days to come, her house would be flocked with people who came and left. They carried flowers, food, thoughts and prayers. Majority left with just more things to gossip. Her mother seemed to enjoy the attention she was receiving. She had more reasons to shop for new attires that made her look like the ideal mourning widow.

Rue spend her days going through the photos.

"You remember this day?" Xana asked as Rue flipped the photos.

She nodded. It was a photo of her tenth birthday. Her father stood beside her. He had healthy weight then, he was clean wore polo shirts and khaki pants for his golf. On her other side Mr. Fox second wife, Amber, was smiling at her, heavily pregnant with the twins. Rue remembered that day because later that evening She saw him argue with Amber and that was the last day the two families ever got along.

Xana hugged her friend and allowed to mourn. Rue in her silence held regrets on not having last time with him, not caring enough. She understood the meaning of missing someone when they are gone.

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