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ADHS: Short for Aufmerksamkeits-Defizit-Hyperaktivitäts-Störung which means attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Anschluss: March 11th to the 13th 1938, the Nazis annexed Austria. By doing this, they defied the Treaty of Versailles. The meaning of the word is connection or joining

Apfelkuchen: A type of apple cake

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag: Happy birthday

Arsch: A**

Aryan: Used as a racial grouping of people. The Nazis believed them to be the "superior race". They had blonde hair and blue eyes.

Auf Wiedersehen: (formal) Goodbye

Aut viam inveniam aut faciam: I will find a way or make one

Bitte: Please

Bund Deutscher Mädel: Association of German Girls. It was a part of the Nazification of young children in Germany

Danke: Thank you

De Vier Mullers: The Four Mullers. A 1935 Dutch movie with Johannes Heesters

Delikatessen: Deli

Der Stürmer: A Nazi newspaper. It was weekly and very anti-semetic

Du: You

Dumm(kopf): Dumb(head)

Dum spiro spero: While I breathe I hope

Englisch: English

Fat head: an insult for a foolish or stupid person

Filly: Constant girl companion to a boy

Frohe Weihnachten: Merry Christmas

Gestapo: "Geheime Staatspolizei" Translates to: "Secret State Police" A police force used to kill/arrest enemies, which included Jews, Gypsies, and anyone the Nazis didn't like

Grüß Gott: "God bless you" An alternative to saying "Heil Hitler"

Guten Morgen: Good morning

Hallo: Hello

Heda: Hey

Heil: A German greeting

Ich weiß nicht: I don't know

Ja/Jap: Yes

Jüde: Jew

Kam hier: Come here (informal)

Keine Bange: Don't worry

Kinder, Küche, Kirche: Translates to "children, kitchen, church" A political slogan, expressing what women should spend their time doing

Liebling: Darling

Mein Kampf: A autobiographical book written by Adolf Hitler while he was in jail after his failed coup. It translates to "My Struggle". It was used to spread Nazi propaganda

Mein schatz: My darling

Mellia: Little honey

Mischling: Translates to "hybrid". Means a baby of mixed race

Mutti: Mom

Na?: Well?

Na klar (nicht): Of course (not)

Nein: No

Oh Mein Gott (im Himmel): Oh my God (in heaven)

Optimum medicamentum quies est: Peace is the best medicine

Reich: The German Parliament

Reichsverband Deutscher Schriftsteller: Reich Association of German Writers. If you didn't join this group, your books would not be published

Schwein: Pig

Schweinhund: (Schweinhunde plural) Pig dog. An insult

Sehr: Very

Singer: A snitch

Steintal: Translates to "Stone Valley". The school that the six visit and later attend

Step off the plank: To get married

Sturmabteilung: Translates to "storm division" Also known as the "SA". Founded in 1921, its purpose was to provide protection for the Nazi party. It was basically the police force for the Nazis

Treaty of Versailles: A peace treaty signed on June 28th, 1919. It ended the first world war. The Allies (France, England, and America) forced Germany to disarm, give up a bit of their territory, and pay the Allies compensation

Tschüss: (Informal) Bye

Vati: Dad

Vivamus quoniam moriendum est: Let us live since we must die

Was: What

Was bedeutest dieses Wort?: What does this word mean?

What's buzzin', cousin: Slang for what's up. Most commonly used in the United States

Wie geht's?: (Informal) How are you?

Willkommen: Welcome

Wirklich: Really

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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