(S2) Mini Chapter: The Fallen in Love

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[The scene begins with Lucifer watching over the Garden of Eden talking to himself.]

Lucifer: They just don't understand! I have so many ideas but no! They just won't listen cause they think I'm "too reckless", like what those that mean? huff....

[Lucifer watched over the Garden of Eden and saw one of the humans, it was Lilith. She is seen feeling the garden and on her own up against a tree stump. Lucifer was captivated by her rebellious nature and as he hides behind one of the trees. We cut to a POV of Lilith curled up.]

Lucifer: Lilith?

[Lilith looks up to see Lucifer.]

Lilith: Huh?

Lucifer: *gently caresses her cheek* Did something happen? You fled the Garden and...

[Lucifer notices the tears in Lilith's eyes.]

Lucifer: Oh my... Please, no more tears... Your face is too precious for that *wipes a tear of her face*

Lilith:  *blushes but sighs* Sorry... It's just...

Lucifer: Adam?

Lilith: Well... 

Lucifer: *holds her hand close* You can tell me anything, I promise.

Lilith: ... Well Adam and I are both humans, but he constantly orders me around with little to much care. He can be so unfair at times...

Lucifer: So you fled the garden in a rebellious fit to spite him.

[Lilith nods her head.]

Lucifer: You know, I'm a rebellious one myself. *chuckles*

Lilith: *smiles and rolls her eyes* Really? No offense but you seem too dorky to be "rebellious"

Lucifer: *pouts* I am not "too dorky"! I have the most amazing dreams and ideas!

Lilith: Really now.

Lucifer: It's true!!! Just like what you were doing! That was "Free Will"! 

Lilith: Hmm... "Free Will" huh?

Lucifer: Yes! You get to do whatever you want! You decide your fate! Just think of the freedom one has over this world! Isn't that amazing?

Lilith: *she chuckles* You're more childish than I thought you were.

Lucifer: I may be childish but that's just part of my charm! *winks* Want me to show you more of my fantastical ideas?

[Lucifer puts out his hands for her to grab as he smiles in excitement. Lilith smiles as she grabs it and Lucifer pulls her up to stand, only for Lucifer to blush heavily from looking at Lilith and how tall she was, let alone not wearing anything.]

Lilith: Awww you're all red!

Lucifer: *pouts* No I'm not! 

Lilith: Oh yes you are!


[Llilith laughs as Lucifer watches her smile, making him warmly smile back.]

[A montage begins as Lucifer shares his ideas of "Free Will". As Lucifer looks around, he then sees Lilith surrounded by baby ducks by the pond. She is seen petting them and with some of them sitting on her head. She smiles warmly with the sun gleaming, making her beauty shine.  Lucifer is mesmerized at his moment and his blush intensifies. Lilith notices Lucifer being quiet and she looks to him.]

𝐇𝐚𝐳𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥: 𝐻𝑒𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓃 𝑀𝒶𝓎 𝒞𝓇𝓎 (HH x NeroMaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now