chapter one, part III.

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Look what you made
Me do.

(Elizabeth's POV)

I sigh as I go to my room and pick out a outfit. A iron maiden hoodie, black sweatpants and Vans, but before I leave I fix on my mask. I waltz out and head to the door, but before I leave I grab a apple on the kitchen table. I exit the apartment, looking to my right as I see my neighbor. The bluenette. I decide if meeting the neighbors meant to meet this person, I'll do it and not just go out for a smoke break. I hesitantly walk to them, tapping them on the shoulder.

"Hm?" They say as they turn around to face me. Their voice is masculine, which makes me assume they're a boy. His voice is also quite raspy, similar to how a tired person's one would be. His mask had a pink patch on one side, for some reason. We stand at about the same height.

"Uh.. hi.. I'm Elizabeth..." I choke out as I look at them further. He has a black choker on and a outfit similar to mine.

His eyes squint, a telltale sign to a smile.
"I'm Sal. Nice to meet you." He reaches out his hand to shake. I grin and shake it, letting go as he looks at the door that separates our apartments. '402' it reads.

"Say, do you maybe know what happened here?" I ask, grabbing his attention again. His electric blue hair sways as he looks back with slight darkness in his eyes.

"I don't think you wanna know..." He says in a tone that matches his eyes. I try not to stare at his oceanic eyes, tainted with darkness. They're mesmerizing...

"Oh, I do wanna know, tho." I reply as soon as his words register. He sighs, preparing to tell me what happened. "Okay then.."

I look at him intently, listening to the finest shift in tone. "Our neighbor, Mrs Sanderson, was murdered by another tenant, Charlie. "

Well great. My neighbor was murdered by another resident. Ain't that a warm welcoming. At least Sal is half decent. His eyes lighten up as I can already sense a shift in conversation.

"I like your mask." He says, a warm smile lacing his words with friendliness.

"Oh, it's a prostethic..." I reply quickly and solemnly. He tilts his head, eyes no longer squinting to indecate a smile. "Mine too." He says nonchalantly. His tone is now casual, signifying a repeat in words as if he's said it a hundred times. He says it as if he's desensitized to it at this point.

"Oh, okay." I say as I smile lightly. My mask lifts up a bit, signifying the positive expression.

~~time skip ;)~~

Math. The most boring subject known to mankind in my book. I'm just sitting ever so casually in my desk, I had finished my test early and was getting more bored by the second. We weren't allowed to have our bags in the class when we wrote tests, as it was seen as "a opportunity to cheat". Not that I'd even have to cheat for a good grade. It was a regular occurrence for me to get a A+ on everything.

Sal had also finished, but he was asleep on his desk. Travis, the conservative Christian gay undercover bully, was glaring at Sal as if he was going to kill him any minute now. And he for sure as hell wouldn't get in trouble. Me, Sal and Larry, who's a friend of Sal's, have a conspiracy that a cult runs the town. And by coincidence, Kenneth, the head of the church, is our main suspect as the leader of the cult. If you're wondering, we got our evidence from all the strange things around here. I mean look, everyone who attended the Phelps ministry ended up dead or the killer. On top of that, the victims all had a gash on their heads, revealing their brain. And a lot of the people around here who act strange, have a scar on their head just like the gashes. Anyways, back to the present. The bell had just rang and we were dismissed.

I took my bag and started my commute to the lockers, pushing through the crowd. I never really cared about other people who were in my way. One shoulder I bump in particular, whips around and reveals itself to be Travis's. Shit.

Next thing I know, I'm pushed up against the wall closest to us, no other students bothering to help. Damn my carelessness. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" the blonde snaps.

"Walking down the hall, you?" I reply in a snarky tone of voice. My bitching will be the death of me, I swear to God. He shoves me farther into the wall with nothing but pure, unadulterated rage in his Chestnut eyes. Some how it sends a chill down my spine..

"SHUT UP, FAGGOT!" He bites back, his spit splattering on my mask makes me cringe. His hands now firmly grip my shirt's collar as he presses me against the wall.

A tug on my collar, throwing me to the ground snaps me back to reality. A few 'oohs!' and gasps can be heard as I hit the ground. I look up at the perpetrator as I lay on the ground, staring at him with the same look he gave me earlier. He doesn't flinch. I get up, not breaking eye contact. I drop my backpack, balling my hands into fists.

"Dare do that again, and I'll fucking break your neck, Phelps." I threaten as I continue staring daggers into him. He steps closer to me and pushes me again.
"Try it, fucker."


"Miss Catherine, do you know why you're here?" The principal asks me as I sit and gaze at him, my knuckles are busted. I don't reply, as someone could say I don't even fear God at this rate.

"Well then, you're here because you beat another student to the point of hospitalization. Do you know how bad that is?" He states, his voice raising gradually.

"Your father will be here any moment now."


"Holy crap, little dude! You almost killed the fucker!" Larry says as he walks on my left, Sal on my right. I smirk proudly and continue walking. "I mean, he had it coming. Everyone knows you don't hurt a lady~" I say the last part in a joking voice. "Was it worth getting suspended, though?" Sal questions, looking at me as he does. I shrug. He hasn't really talked to me since I beat Travis. I hope I doesn't have some sort of grudge against me now.


Okay, so, Elizabeth is a pretty... violent person... So yeah...

Good morning/ afternoon/ evening/night

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