CHAPTER 14--Valeno

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The memory hit Valeno like someone tackling him, filling him with fear. Jalno was mad; Jalno was dangerous, and Jalno would kill whoever he needed to get his way.

He was standing with his back to Valeno and Cassin, a little more than fifty feet away. Haydrr and Gael flanked him, their brawny manforms making Jalno look slim. But Valeno knew better. Jalno may not have been the strongest by brute force, but he had hidden strengths that the others didn't. And oh, was he cunning.

Panic flooded Valeno's veins, and he took an involuntary step back, hiding in the shadows. "H-He's here," he managed to croak out to Cassin. He who had almost killed Valeno a little over two months ago. He who most definitely wanted to kill Cassin in revenge.

"It's ok," the vampire said, perhaps sensing Valeno's terror. "He hasn't seen us yet, and he won't. We're down wind."

Valeno trembled, dread bleeding through his limbs and causing his thoughts to clash. He wanted to hide, but at the same time he wanted to jump in front of Cassin to protect him. He wanted to bow in submission, but he also wanted to roar his defiance in his uncle's face. But mostly, he wanted to run.

Run and never look back.

"Now," Valeno whispered. "Now you run. South, towards your palace. He won't find you there. He'll expect you to be with us. Go!" Valeno shoved Cassin, recovering. "Get lost, vampire!"

Cassin braced himself. "I'm not leaving you with him!" Cassin hissed, stubborn.

"No! Don't argue with me. He. Will. Kill. You! He killed my parents in front of me when I was eight!" Valeno whispered, furiously. "You blinded him. He'll be looking for revenge!"

"I won't leave you," Cassin repeated. He looked Valeno in the eye. "Run with me, Val. he would never expect that. Come live in my palace for a bit. Until things cool down."

"And leave my Pack? Cassin, things will never calm down! Until he dies, you are a target! And he's not going to die any time soon. He's a second level Warrior, the highest level next to Beta, then Alpha! Nobody will challenge him! So go! It will make me feel a little bit better to know that he can't hurt you..." Valeno paused. "You're my friend, Cassin."

"And you're mine," the vampire said fiercely. "So I. Won't. Leave. You."

"I don't belong in a palace, I'm a Wolf, not a vampire."

"I can teach you," Cassin whispered, shifting to glance at Jalno's turned back. "I'll teach you to live in the palace–it's not that hard. just...Turn your back on this fight, Valeno, this is one you can't win."

Looking into Cassin's deep, copper eyes, Valeno saw the truth of the statement. He couldn't win against his uncles. And even if he could, he couldn't protect Cassin, too.

"Ok," he said. "I'll go. There's just one thing I have to take care of first. You, go, and I'll follow."

Cassin grabbed Valeno's hand and held it in a death grip. "You promise?" he demanded, speaking softly so that none of Valeno's uncles could hear. "Do you promise me, Val?"

Valeno eased his fingers free, nodding. "I promise, Cassin, I swear."


And as the vampire vanished into the darkness, Valeno just realized that he had called him 'Val.' 

As soon as Cassin's footsteps faded into the velvety blackness, Valeno moved. Crouching low, he crept forward and around until he could see Jalno's cruel features.

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