Lucid Dreams part 2

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"Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along."

Kushi's POV

I sat on the grass and looked at the beautiful butterflies sucking the nectar from the colorful flowers . I don't know how many days it's been since I got here. There is no concept of time , day or night in this place.

At first, I thought it's heaven , obviously I never did any wrong to anyone and died pitiful death at the very young age , I deserved to be in heaven . But, Dooth said this is just a place to halt ,its his place. I need to wait here untill the gate in the other side of forest opens for me to travel to wherever next , Dooth did not say much about it.

There are other people , I mean dead people , I mean souls .. ahh I don't know what to call, so I will stick with people. There are other people who were brought by Dooth. Some already passed through the gate and others were left behind like me .

Dooth says souls realise on their own when it's time to pass the gate. I guess my time has not yet arrived , but I just want to pass the gate as soon as possible , being a dead with all my living memories is unbearable.

I can hear faint voices of laad governer from time to time. Him apologizing for his harsh behaviours, laughing at the fact that I annoy as well as amuse him at the same time.

But why was he missing me? why was he crying ? Did he finnally realise my life was not that worthless after my death ? And why I can hear only him and not others , did no one miss me ?

I was in all these thoughts when I heard him , this time his voice was desparate which was not the case before. He was calling me and I was feeling this sharp pain within me . I closed my eyes and when I opened my eyes , I was at Buaji's home in laxmi nagar.

There was a havan taking place. Looking at my photo frame , I realised the havan was for me. I looked at all the sad faces around . "Where is buaji? " I wondered. Akash ji held jiji securely and she was crying on his shoulders. I felt happy looking at them. Akash ji is perfect man for my jiji , he will always take care of her.

"Kushi" , I looked at him , Arnav ji was not talking , "Kushi kumari Gupta, how dare you?"

It's definitely his voice , am I hearing his mind ? I looked at him with shock. I don't know why Arnav Ji was not able to see me now because he saw me last time when I was in RM, his expression were rigid and his jaw was clenched.

"How dare you ignore me ? From past 12 days , I'm begging you to show me some sign , and you keep ignoring me. Did you forget that I'm ASR ? Do you think you can escape after your death , no way, you were bloody murdered , are you not getting it . You have to answer my questions . Show me a sign you are here dammit" he roared in his mind .

I became numb, no ,no no it's not possible . I was murdered ? Why? Why did anyone murder me, why? What wrong did I do ? Something broke inside me , my frustration, my helplessness , my misery everything turned into rage , the rage which consumed me entirely.

"Why me ? " I shouted and clenched my teeth . The Dia's and candles infront of my photo frame blew off.

The pandit ji was still reciting the mantra's and my fist clenched tightly.
I was once alive and breathing , I had dreams , even though my life was miserable , I was content and happy, I wanted to do so many things , visit so many places. My life was snatched from me, how is that fair ? Don't I deserve atleast justice at end ? Was my life that pathetic and invaluable , that no one cares , they want to get rid of me even after my death.

I saw kalash beside pandit ji . I wanted to throw it across the wall , as the thought crossed my mind , the kalash flew and hit the wall scattering my ashes. I was suprised I could do things just with my mind , I could hear scared gaspes . I wanted to smash every damm thing in this havan.

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