Chapter 5

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Nature; a sprawling canvas brimming with expansive grasslands, arid deserts and dense rainforests. With each changing terrain comes a new ecosystem, teeming with life and vitality.

Each species of the animal kingdom adapts to thrive in its own niche. However, the delicate art of survival remains constant for all. And what is more consistent to existence than the primal dynamic of the predator and its prey? The intricate dance of vying for supremacy.

The lion silently stalked as the fleet footed gazelle grazed, unaware of the lurking danger. Even if the gazelle managed to sprint, it could never outrun the inevitable; for in the unforgiving world of wild, the predator would always prevail.

Fai walks along the stretch of restaurants in a rather slow pace, perhaps enjoying the pleasant weather. I patiently follow him, making sure to leave enough space between us. At the end of the street, he takes a sharp left, clearly heading towards the restrooms. He stops in front of the men's washroom before pushing the door open, stepping inside. As I approach the restroom, I could hear the faint sound of Fai
humming. Oh you poor little gazelle, never let your guard down. The song sounded familiar, but too muffled for me to comprehend.

I patiently wait for a few minutes before following suit, gently pushing the door open. Fai was standing in front of the sink, washing his hands. I close the door behind me but Fai made no attempts to investigate the new presence, his back turned towards me. Young gazelles tend to be that way, lacking awareness to their surroundings. Fai continues to hum, his shoulders relaxed as I quietly try to inch my way closer to him.

"What do you want Aiden?" He suddenly asks, his back still turned to me. He continued to wash his hands, unbothered by me.

"Nothing" I answer. "Just came here to congratulate you."

"I'm sure I'll regret asking this but" he says before turning around to face me. "For what?" He folds his hands over his chest, leaning against the counter.

"For coming out" I smile. "I've always known that you'd find the courage for it one day. I couldn't be more proud" I put my palm to my chest as I looked at him, beaming with pride.

"How are you so fucking juvenile?" He jumps up from the counter, moving closer to me. "You're basically begging for me to beat you up."

"Then, why don't you?" I challenge, taking a few steps forward.

"It would be my pleasure" Fai smirks before inching closer. "I would've done it sooner...but it took you forever to follow me to this restroom" Fai smiles menacingly. "Now I have you right where I want"


Sweat glistens on his eyebrows as Fai takes a step back, panting heavily. His advances were brutal, but controlled and well calculated. I could feel his wrath all over my body, each part sore from his bone jarring blows. I stare at my reflection in the mirror above the sink. Not a single drop of blood or visible wound in sight. I had to say, I was quite impressed. I guess the little brat had been doing his homework. I turn my attention to Fai. His hair was tousled and a single drop of blood emerged from the corner of his forehead. It's safe to say that my efforts to 'aim but not maim' were not as effective. But I wasn't worried, since his hair covered up the wound.

"I hear Gabrielle's back in town." Fai says as we begin to circle each other, searching for an opening to attack. "Are you gonna get back with her?"

"That doesn't concern you" I bark.

"Whoa, easy there" Fai raises his hands. "How come you got so worked up when I mentioned her? Is it because you're heart broken?" He pouts, mockingly. "I hear she's blowing you off. Do you know why?"

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