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✨3rd Person POV✨

Inside Asha's house, Valentino was gently being petted by Asha's mother while the teenager talked to her Saba. (Y/n) sat on a stool by the fire, hugging herself with a frown on her face. Aster slowly floated towards the girl and lay across her lap. "Are you okay?" The boy questioned.

The girl bitterly snorted. "I don't know, my father's not what I thought he was, those wishes aren't safe, and the kingdom has been lied to. Define okay." She looked at the boy from the corner of her eye and her anger fizzled away at his frown. "I'm sorry, you didn't deserve that. I just don't know what to do." The starboy gently caressed her face as he sat up. "That's alright. You don't always have to know what to do. Besides, we're off to a good start." He gestured to Asha's Saba on the floor with his wish in his hands. 

The princess looked over at the boy and with a feather-like touch, kissed his cheek. "Thanks, I really needed that." The boy let out a small bell-like sound and stiffly looked at the family on the floor.

Sabino stared at his wish and sighed. "I know you think you're doing a good thing, but...I should never have given Magnifico my wish." He caressed the orb. 

"No one should have." (Y/n) sadly said from her seat. "They belong to you."

The man hugged his wish and absorbed the wish, startling everyone. "Oh, Asha, I may never actually inspire anybody, but now at least I have the chance to try." (Y/n)'s eyes widened in shock at the man's action. She never knew what would happen if someone had their wish back.

Asha looked at her mother with a smile. "I'm going back for your wish next, Mama."

The door slammed open and all the candles went out. Magnifico stood in the doorway with a menacing look. 

Aster panicked and turned into his star form, hiding in (Y/n)'s hair before the King noticed him.

"That's right, Asha. You've been turned in." He slowly walked in and looked at (Y/n). "(Y/n), I've been wondering where you've run off to. Heartbroken to say I'm disappointed in you."

The princess stood up quickly and stood with Asha's family. "Where is it? Where's the star?"

Sabino glared at the king. "There is nothing here for you!" 

Magnifico ignored the man and stared at the teenagers. "How did you do it, huh? What sorcery did you use?" (Y/n) glared at her father. "We know no sorcery."

"You ripped a star from the sky to steal from me!"

Asha protected her grandfather. "The wishes don't belong to you. You were never going to grant my Saba's wish. And he deserves to have it back. They all deserve..."

"I told you, I decide what they deserve."

Asha's mother stepped closer. "Please, Your Majesty. They made a mistake. They won't do it again." 

The King smirked. "Oh, I know they won't." A wish appeared in his hand. "Does this feel familiar, Sakina?" The woman gasped. "My wish."

"Yes, your wish that you gave to me for safekeeping, because we all know what happens to wishes out in this... this real world." He chuckled. "They get crushed." The orb was broken and Sakina gasped in pain, clutching her chest.



Aster's star form made a small squeak. (Y/n) held up the woman and glared at her father. "What have you done?!"

"What a gift. All this time, I've protected the wishes not knowing the power they yield. I feel as if I can do...anything." His eyes glowed green as he grinned evilly. 

A ball of yarn hit the King in the head and looked at the culprit. Aster glared at the man from (Y/n)'s hair. "The star. I must have it." 

(Y/n) gasped and looked around for any help. Clutching a bookshelf, she knocked it over and let it fall on her father. "Go! Now!" She told the family, and the group sprinted out of the house with (Y/n) holding the small star gently. 

There were horses stationed outside the cottage and the family each took one. Sakina and Sabino took a horse, and Asha and (Y/n) took another, Aster deciding to fly. 

They raced through the forest until they reached the water. "There's nowhere to go." (Y/n) stated fearfully. Asha looked around for any signs of an escape and pointed out a small boat. "There's a boat. Hurry."

The four jumped into the boat and (Y/n) grabbed the oars, using all her strength to row the boat. Sensing her struggle, Aster cast magic on the oars, making them magically row themselves. The princess looked at the star gratefully. "Thank you,"

Sakina clutched her chest. "My heart knows this feeling. This is grief."

Asha lowered her head with shame. "We didn't mean for this to happen."

"I know, baby," Sakina reassured her daughter.

"I was foolish to think I could change anything. I should never have wished." (Y/n) frowned and rested a hand on the girl's shoulder. "I know." Aster went to his human form and flew towards the (h/c) and gently grabbed her chin, turning her head to look at him. "You don't mean that, Princess."

"It's true. Our wish has ruined everything for her family. And now everyone in Rosas is at risk because of us." (Y/n) stated, tears slowly prickling her eyes. The starboy wiped her tears and slowly floated beside her.

"Oh, girls, no. Everyone is at risk because of Magnifico. Our dear Rosas." Sakina gently took Asha's hand. "Your father's heart would break for what we now know." 

The girls looked at the castle until Aster gently nudged (Y/n). The princess looked at him and sighed. "I know what you're thinking because I'm thinking it, too." She looked over at Asha who understood.

She turned towards her Mama and Saba. "I love you both very much." 

"What is going on?"

"When you get to the islet...stay hidden from view."

 "What are you doing?"

"We have to stop him." (Y/n) told the adults with a determined look.

"No! It's too dangerous!"

She hugged the two of them. "For everyone..."

The girls stood up and dove into the water with Valentino quickly following and Aster flying after them. 

"Shark!" Aster shouted, scaring the girls.

"Where?!" Asha screamed. 

"Just practicing in case I see one." 

(Y/n) groaned at his mischievousness and continued swimming.

✨I Make This Wish✨ Human! Star X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now