Chapter 12: Crossed Lines and Warning Signs

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"I'm sorry." Candice shot her friend a doubtful look and raised a brow as Faith pulled them both to a stop at the foot of the steps. Faith made a face and let out an irritated breath. Apologies, she knew, were not a thing Faith was all that fond of giving out. "I am. You're one of my best friends, and even if you're not going to admit it to yourself, I can see what's going on, Candy. It's only been two weeks, and you've changed.

"I know it's not all him, and I'm not trying to say you've changed for the worse, because you haven't, but you've changed. And just because he's the first guy to have noticed and pursued you, doesn't mean he's worthy. You're better than the way he treats girls, and I don't want that for you."

"I don't have any illusions about him. I know who and what he is, and I've made it clear that we aren't compatible. He's not for me. I know."

Faith looked very much like she wanted to roll her eyes but refrained. "Candy, you like him. You would've never gone with him yesterday if you didn't. Logic and reason won't stop feelings no matter how hard you try. I don't want to see you hurt."

Stubbornly, Candice shook her head. "He won't hurt me. He can't hurt me if I already know what to expect. He kissed me, and I let him. It was nice, but I haven't lost my mind."


Faith knew when she was beating her head against a wall, and when it was time to stop. Because this was one of those times, she bit her tongue and smiled at her friend. "Alright. Let's go get the other two, I want pizza." If she couldn't convince Candice, she'd just have to go another route.


Coop saw her the moment she stepped outside. He lit his cigarette and remained leaned up against the wall, watching Jay Thomas's little sister approach him with her expression one of cool determination. She stood about two inches below his own five foot eleven and had straight chocolate-colored hair that went down past her shoulder blades. She looked to be about as dangerous as an angry goldfish. She came to a halt in front of him, her jaw set, and glared.

"Looking for something?" he drawled, keeping his expression bored and uninterested as he looked down at her.

"I'm looking for you."

He smirked, "Usually I'm up for a good time, but I'm going to have to pass today. Thanks for the offer."

Her expression turned to one of disgust. "I'm here about Candice."

That caught his attention. "What about her?"

"You've got plenty of other girls you can spend your time seducing. Stay away from her."

He gave her a long, cool look of his own, "Or what?"

If looks could kill, Coop felt certain that the murderous intent in her eyes would've done him in. She poked him hard in the chest and bared her teeth. "Candice is the most intelligent and hard-working person you'll ever have the good fortune to know, and she doesn't need some guy coming in and messing around with her emotions."

"Candy know you're here?"

"She's my best friend, I know how you treat girls. I'm not going to let you hurt her."

Coop smirked, his gray eyes glittering with merciless intent. "So she doesn't know you're here, speaking on her behalf. She doesn't know you don't trust her to take care of herself and make her own decisions. I'm sure she'll be happy to know how much you respect her."

"Oh please," Faith snapped, crossing her arms and leaning away from him with a toss of her hair. "You don't care about her. You don't respect her. You're in it for the chase and a little bit of self-entertainment. You'll chew her up and spit her out the second she gives in. Don't pretend to be on higher ground."

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