High School

854 18 16

Inspired by a particular au someone [noirzvault] made among other things!

Alsooo, small note. If this story is liked enough, I may consider making it it's own story, as an au of course!

So if you'd like, feel free to let me know if you'd be interested in that!

A loud yawn escaped a certain purple feline's mouth, as his eyes closed and opened halfway. He stared exhausted at the teacher, barely focusing on them anyways.

He just wanted to close his eyes and rest his head on Dogday. He could do the work later, anyways. Even though Dogday always tells him that he should get his rest during the night rather than the day.

Dogday noticed the cat's eyes beginning to close, a small but amused smile creeping its way onto his face. He scooted a slight bit closer, gently nudging Catnap with his elbow.

"Catnap, come onnn."

The dog whispered quietly to his partner, helping wake him up a bit, though not completely. He didn't want Catnap to get yet another lecture for sleeping in class for...what? The 10th time by now?

With a small, quiet groan, Catnap willed himself to stay awake, doing his best to focus and jot down what he could. Still, he struggled, occasionally feeling as if he were about to fall asleep himself from time to time.

To the cat's relief, the bell soon rang, which would normally only make things a small bit dreadful.

However, this bell in particular was special. It was lunch time! The main time during the day in which Catnap could rest for a while!

It lasted about an hour, so that was plenty of time for the cat to rest up for his final class for the day.

Dogday smiled as he held out his hand, waiting for Catnap to grab it. The cat slowly got up, rubbing his eyes as he placed his own paw in Dogday's. The dog's tail wagged a bit once the two's paws made contact.

Kickin and Bobby also happened to be in this class along with them, the chicken in particular smirking a little.

"Awww! Look at the two lovebirds!"

Kickin said half playfully, and also genuinely. He thought that the two complimented each other quite well!

Especially since Dogday doesn't quite know when to relax sometimes. Catnap helps him get a bit closer to really striking that balance.

The same goes for the other way around. Although Catnap is clearly capable and has potentially, he'll sometimes let himself sort of slip away.

Dogday however often encourages him or convinces him to actually try whenever that happens.

Dogday blushed, letting out a small chuckle, of course not having much of a rebuttle himself. Catnap, however, smirked instead.

He turned towards Kickin.

"Says the chicken who's in love with an elephant."

Catnap stated calmly, as Kickin's face flushed red. He quickly looked around the room in a small panic, as if Bubba would be in there with them.

The Light And The Darkness [Catnap x Dogday]Where stories live. Discover now