Chapter 3: The Winds of Change

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It was 4:00 a.m., on July 27th with only two days to go before Cape Town. Waratah passed the Clan Line steamship Clan MacIntyre, sailing eastward from South Africa. Upon drawing level by 6:00 a.m., Waratah and Clan MacIntyre exchanged greetings via Morse lamp and continued on course.

In the dining room, at breakfast, George and Arion ate and thought of what to do today. As they stepped outside for the family's morning constitutional, the weather had changed, it had become cloudy and windy and the waves were starting to rock the ship.

"I don't suppose Poseidon has something to do with this," asked George.

"Poseidon and the other gods of the sea work in mysterious ways," explained Arion. "Whatever it is, it is up to us to find the answer."

"Maybe we'll find it when we get off."

Arion smiled at this and George took his hand.

Later that evening, the weather deteriorated, with wind and rain buffeting against the ship. The Union-Castle Liner Guelph passed Waratah and exchanged another greeting through signal lamps. Inside, the passengers were having dinner, some being too sickened by the rolling movement of the ship to eat a bite. Arion and George didn't mind, but like everyone else, they wanted the voyage to end. After a delicious supper of hot potatoes and chicken, they returned to their cabin before the others. But George was feeling down the minute he was at the door. Arion noticed this.

"Is something the matter?"

"Not really, I'm just mentally preparing myself for Cape Town. A new school, a new life, a new future, new friends..."

"Like me?"

"I'm sure the other kids there will love you."

Arion was flattered by this. So flattered that neither he nor George said two words to each other until they bathed, brushed their teeth, changed into nightclothes and went to bed. While sleeping, George lay with his back turned to Arion. Arion, in a moment of mutuality, hugged George from behind, never wanting to let go of his new friend for life.

Later that night, on the bridge, Captain Illbery and his officers battled on through the storm as the rest of his passengers and some members of his crew returned to their beds. He ordered full power into the ship's engines, determined to fight the weather.

But Mother Nature had other ideas against the creations of man.

A huge tidal wave had begun to form from the right side and, intimidating as it was, threatened to capsize the ship. By this time, the rocking of the ship had turned violent. Passengers were thrown from the beds, and Arion and George had landed on top of each other.

"What is happening?" asked George as he got to his feet.

Arion could not help but sense that something dreadful was amiss.

"Poseidon has unleashed his anger," he said ominously.

They egressed into the corridor. Maria, Aunt Helen and Jennifer were bolting out of their rooms, also sensing danger.

"Mum, wait!" cried George.

They chased after them all the way out into the boat deck. Other passengers had assembled as well, realizing that their ship was now in great danger on sinking. The wave came closer and closer. George and Arion arrived just in time to see the three Brown women gripping the railing before the wave engulfed them. They disappeared from the deck entirely. Arion knew that all of his magic could not save the ship or his souls, so he figured that the only thing left to do, was leave them to their fate. Mentally, he believe that Poseidon was punishing him for associating himself with humans, who his own parents and friends feared for a great number of reasons. Running towards the railing, he stripped off his pajamas and dived into the raging waters. He clasped his hands just a split second before he hit the water.

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