trauma? lol what trauma?

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The door to Levi's room has been left wide open, saving you the trouble of having to break it down as you storm your way inside.

Levi stands with his back to you on the far left side of the room near his armoire cleaning his weapons in that meticulous manner of his, while Furlan paces around the room ranting about who knows what. Isabel lounges about on Levi's bed, mindlessly playing with a switchblade in her hand.

They're too caught up in what Furlan is saying to hear you come in so it's not until Furlan stops talking abruptly, pausing mid-stride as he finally notices you at the door, that Levi and Isabel turn to see what's got his sudden attention. But by the time Levi follows Furlan's gaze and realizes it's you, it's too late to stop you.

Full of rage and indignation, you raise a fist and land a satisfying punch to the side of Levi's face. 

"This is all your fault!" you emphasize clearly, still seething.

"Oi!" Isabel exclaims, springing up in alarm as Furlan stares on in shock. But your attention is focused solely on Levi who looks momentarily stunned by the blow. Not from the inflicting pain, but because it came from you.

Slowly, his tongue moves around the inside of his mouth, assessing your damage and scoffing in disbelief at the taste of blood in his mouth as you watch it stain the inside of his lips a bright shade of crimson. The flicker of annoyance in Levi's deadpan gaze as his eyes lock with yours has no effect on you. But despite his clenched jaw, he shows great restraint and keeps his voice leveled, like he's been expecting this from you and needs to act accordingly.

"Leave us," he says to Furlan and Isabel without breaking eye contact from you as he wipes the blood trickling from his lip with a thumb.

You hardly notice them leave as you take a closer step towards Levi, your scowl still in place.

"You said you were on my side," you hiss at him through gritted teeth, ignoring the throbbing pain you feel against your right knuckles from the punch as your hands remain curled at your sides. "You said you would never betray me. But now you have my father going against me? Keeping me under house arrest? He's stripped me of my command! I have no power. No control. Over anything! Not even my own people!"

You shove at his chest when he says nothing, beyond frustrated. "What the hell, Levi?! How can you let him do this to me?!"

But he catches your wrists the moment they collide against his chest and locks them in place so as to keep you still and make you listen. "He's trying to keep you safe," Levi says with infuriating calmness. "Away from trouble. Away from dying."

You shake your head, breaking free from his grip. "Oh, no. This is your doing." You point a finger at him. "This is what you wanted. To cage me in here and keep me out of danger. For your sake. And now, because of you, he's gone ahead and brought Eren into this bloody business as some sick punishment—or reward, I don't even know!"

Levi stares at you in bewilderment.

"What?" he asks faintly before frowning, unable to make sense of what you've just said. "... Why? The guy kidnapped you! How can Ymir allow him to —"

"Oh, don't act like you had no part in this!" you cut him off with a snarl.

Levi's eyes narrow at the accusation. "I have no influence over your father's decisions, Anya. No one does."

You let out a sharp laugh. "Is that supposed to be some kind of joke? You're always with him! Plotting things behind closed doors, scheming over who knows what—"

"At least I'm not scheming behind his back!" Levi snaps back. He takes a meaningful step towards you, glowering at you. "You orchestrated an attack on that journalist and his family, took down a whole squadron of Erwin's cops without consulting your father or me first, and you don't expect retribution?" He shakes his head, frustrated. "If you weren't so bloody reckless—"

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