Chapter 8

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Dabi and Toga were currently fighting with the male fallen angel who had revealed there name was Dohnaseek

Dabi: Tch Stop flying around its starting to piss me off

Dohnaseek: No I don't think I will also what do you humans think you can do against me?

All of a sudden Toga appeared behind him and stabbed him in the back and was able to get some of his blood

Dohnaseek: Ah! You damn Brat!

Toga then started to lick the blood she acquired, and she partially transformed into him as she was forming a light spear in her hand.

Dohnaseek: W-what The hell are you!?

Toga didn't reply as she simply threw the light spear, hitting him in the chest, causing him to fall to the ground

Dabi: Thanks for the assist now it's my turn.

Dabi started to emanate his flames coming from his arms he decided to use one of his dad's special moves

Dabi: Take this HELL SPIDER

Dabi unleash the move, which left burn marks on Dohnaseek causing him to scream in pain

Toga: (I wonder how Shiggys doing?)


Shigaraki was currently surrounded by the exorcists waiting for him to make a move

Shigaraki: before we fight, there's something I would like to ask what were you planning on doing with Asia?

Freed: Oh that bitch well that fallen Dohnaseek was planning on sacrificing her to get her sacred gear afterwords he said we could do whatever we wanted with her so we planned on raping her dead corpse! Is that right boys?

Freed started laughing hysterically as the other exorcist joined in with him. Shigaraki was infuriated with them. He didn't know why, but something inside of him had changed going from the young man who just wanted to destroy he now only wanted to destroy those who hurt him or his friends.

Shigaraki: You know I was initially going to let you live, but after what I heard, not even your remains, will be left behind

Freed: Oh who cares get em boys!

The exorcist charged at him, but he simply dodged things too "Danger Sense" he then activated his "Decay" in charged at the exorcist, killing them with a single touch and not leaving anything behind the only one left remaining was Freed

Freed: Y-you damn brat! I ain't going to die yet so Goodbye!

He threw a smoke bomb onto the ground that was infused with magic energy, which caused him to be teleported far away

Ddraig: (partner, I since three fallen angels up ahead in a room)

Shigaraki: got it. Thanks for the help.

Shigaraki rushed toward the room only to be surprised with what you saw inside were three female fallen angels one was his fake date Raynare the other was the gothic Lolita one and there was one a new one who he had never met before who was wearing a maroon trench coat which wasnt doing much to conceal her chest he had to do that this was Kalawarna thanks to the description that Asia had given him, which means the blonde haired one is Millet they all had serious injuries across their bodies

Raynare: Y-you! what are you doing here?!

Shigaraki: there's something I want to confirm first, you didn't want to kill me on our date did you?

Raynare: W-what are you talking about?

Shigaraki: don't try to act like you don't know what I'm talking about. During our date you seem sad as if you didn't want to kill me it seemed that you were being forced to.

Raynare was shocked that she was so easily found out. She then started to chuckle to herself.

Raynare: You know kid you sure are a strange one. You're correct though someone was forcing me to kill you.

Shigaraki: Who?

Kalawarna: his name is Kokabiel a cadre class fallen angel. He's hell-bent on restarting the great war between the factions.

Shigaraki: and how does he plan on doing that?

Millet: we don't know he doesn't bother telling his plans to small fry's like us

Shigaraki: I see, well, how about this? How about I offer you my protection from him by staying with me and I know someone who can heal your wounds

Raynare: Y-you were the one that took her, how is she?

Shigaraki: she's doing all right. In fact, she told me that you were the only three who treated her nicely while she was here.

Kalawarna: that still doesn't explain why you would help us

Shigaraki: to be honest, I don't know why, but I would be mad at myself if I didn't try to help those in need. So come on let's get going oh and one more thing

Shigaraki walked towards Raynare and put his hand on her head which caused her to blush from the physical contact. He then gave back the power that he had took from her.

Raynare: M-my power it's back!

Shigaraki: if you're going to be protecting Asia, then you might as well be at full strength now let's get going

He had offered his hands to the three females. They all graciously accepted it, and they made their way out of the church.


Once they had made it outside Shigaraki and noticed that the fallen angel that Dabi and Toga were we're fighting no more instead in his place was a pile of ashes

Shigaraki: I was going to ask how your guys fight has went but from the looks of it I think I have my answer

This had caused the two of them to chuckle slightly. Just as the six of them were about to make their way home. They were all suddenly stopped when they heard loud voice from behind them.

Rias: What the hell happed here?!

Behind them was Rias and Sona, in both of their peerages Shigaraki knew that he wouldn't be getting out of this quickly

Shigaraki: well shit

After one very long explanation on what had occurred that night both heiress's ended up relenting. Shigaraki had also introduced the two new transfer students both heiress's looked at them cautiously, not knowing what they were capable of. They had also told him to be careful around the fallen angels, because they would not be able to save him as cause of the agreement. Their factions had made. He had told him not to worry because he had everything under control. eventually, the two of them made their way home, which was followed by Shigaraki and his group. After explaining some made up story to his parents about the three girls, then immediately took them in if he didn't know any better, he would assume his parents would take anyone with a sob story. He could only smile to himself. Each day that went by whether intentionally or unintentionally his house was getting bigger by the day. he wondered to himself what the next few days would be in store for him

End of chapter

OK so this chapter was much longer than I expected it to be but what do you think of the story so far I'm very open into any suggestions you might have and if you also have any questions, I will try to answer them as long as they are not spoiler related

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