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My reflection stares back at me, eyes bewildered. It's an awkward standoff. It feels like two half of me trying to merge with no success.

Deep breaths, a mantra and eyes full of hope but we're disagreeing with each other.

"We can do this." I repeat the mantra once more. Who am I kidding? He doesn't believe in me and neither do I in him. The breaths are becoming shaky and I almost punch at my reflection when I hear Ficelle's voice on the other side of my bedroom door.

"Are you decent?!"

"Yes." At first it is a whisper to my my reflection. The second time, it's an answer to Ficelle's reply.

She opens the door and slowly walks in.

"I'm always decent." It's an attempt to lighten up the mood but mostly to deflect.

She doesn't laugh. She must be here on a serious note.

"You should cancel the date. Accept your fate, you can't change it." Her tone is instructive.

"Who are you and what have you done to my sister?"

"You asked me what I think. These are my thoughts." She's headstrong as usual.

"These are not thoughts..." I breathe out half of a chuckle. "These are instructions. Dictations. Orders..."

"Okay. We get it. You know big words." She mocks me, still with a serious tone. "But it doesn't change the fact that she's dangerous. Volatile. A threat to your mental health..."

"So the big words are only to be used by you?"

"This is not funny Luke. This is serious."

"So am I . Ficelle she's just like you if not worse. Does that make you a threat to me?"

She goes quiet. She's hurt but it's the truth.

"On the contrary, I've been in her presence twice and not even once did I..."

"Rub it in, why don't you Luke?" She blinks back her tears. "Why are you wearing your school uniform, don't tell me you're going back to school already."

"As a matter of fact, I am." I want to look at my reflection but I'm scared.

"You're so eager to see her aren't you?" She scoffs. "You wanna know where the danger is Luke?"

"I'm sure you're going to tell me either way." I roll my eyes.

"Her. She doesn't even know your triggers."

"Oh...and you do?" That's the last nail on the coffin.

I don't even know Michaela that well and she's already making me fight with my sister. To be fair we always fight over everything. It's biological. That was probably the billionth argument with Ficelle. Over the years it has grown to have less and less noise in it and more pain. We hardly shout in this house except for my dad and my brother but that's a story for another day. It was decided long ago that the noise wasn't 'ideal' for my mental health. The therapist had explained to my parents after I told her about their fight. It seems everything that is or isn't 'ideal' for me has to be decided by everyone else except for me.

Yeah, my brain is a little messed up but I'm not completely brainless.

On the way to school, Ficelle is quiet. She's sitting with my mother in the front and I'm sitting in the back. My mother never interferes with our matters unless they fall out of hand. At this moment she's everything as a green light. A healthy relationship between twins and siblings.


I've been forced to be a part of the ensemble made up of Siyabonga, Sindiswa and I. Our duty, according to Sindiswa is to welcome Luke with warmth and big smiles. Not my cup of tea but I'm intrigued by the boy , so here I am. It sucks being a sapiosexul.

The twins jump out of the car simultaneously. On at the front and one in the back. I notice that they are too far apart as they walk towards and their faces don't exactly exude jubilant joy.

"I see you made it out of this one alive." Luke reads the postcard I'm holding and then he smiles at me. He's too genuine whilst I'm scolding myself for not reading the postcard.

"Don't worry I'm a die hard." He's laughing at me. I'm the butt of the joke alright. Everyone's laughing except for Ficelle.

"Someone's getting cocky," Sindiswa teases him.

"You're not even in the will Cindy." The 'C' is very thick as he says her name.

"You still can't say my name. I might kill you for that." Sindiswa jokes.

"And you still can't spell. See you in hell."

Their friendship is kind of cute and it almost makes me feel jealous but I quickly pull myself from falling into the green pool of envy.

"Don't worry about it Sindi. I'm already doing the dirty work for you. Each time I'm in Luke's presence, he dies a slow and painfully agonising death." Ficelle's face is straight and there's no hint of humour in her tone.

Everyone is quiet. Luke has a knowing smile plastered on his face. Siya and Sindi are both concerned whilst I'm fascinated. I think I may have chosen the wrong girl for a bestie.

"Babe, that's some heavy dark humour there, are you sure you're okay?"

I can see by the look and nod on Sindi's face that she shares the same sentiments as Siyabonga. I purse my lips to avoid bursting out in laughter. In all honesty, I think these two are blowing this thing out of proportion.

"We had a fight." Luke chimes in to save a day that is clearly not in the need of saving. I'm glad he is taking this as lightly as I am.

"About?" both of the concerned parties speak simultaneously and I roll my eyes even though I also want to know.

Ficelle's angry eyes shoot daggers at me then they proceed onto her twin brother before her lips release the words, "Nothing."

I'm quite certain that there's a bitter aftertaste lingering in her mouth.


She hates me and little does she know that I fall in love easily with the ones who despise me.


Hey guys 🤗
If you've made it this far, it means you loved the story as much as I loved writing it for you. Or maybe you're just in love with me. I don't know.

Please don't forget to vote and comment. Constructive criticism is allowed in this area.

Happy reading 🖤

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