Chapter 15

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Darkpaw groomed his fur as Applepaw bragged about helping Hazelflower clean the nursery. Darkpaw still got accused of being jealous, but he still denies it.

Bonefur was talking with Chippedclaw while Raccoonpaw and Frostpaw practiced some moves.

The night where he fought stoneheart still lingered in his mind as he wondered what could happen now. Would he destroy his clan? He could never!

Darkpaw was bored and wanted to hear a story, but Nutfur spent time in medicine den complaining about a stomach bug. Beetlepaw was sharing tounges with woodpaw before Applepaw strutted by.

"Darkpaw, since Mousecoal is out patrolling, want to practice fighting? " Since Darkpaw didn't have anything else to do, he decided to agree.

Darkpaw got into his position and watched as some cats sat on to watch he even saw Morningstar watching with maplenose close by.

Darkpaw launched at Applepaw and bit his scruff without hurting him. Applepaw quickly threw off he Darkpaw before slicing him. Darkpaw saw blood flow from his leg.

Quickly, Applepaw regretted his decision as he saw Darkpaw unsheathe his claws. Darkpaw ran towards Applepaw and sliced his nose.

Darkpaw watched as Applepaw licked his nose and then attacked his face with claws stretched out. Darkpaw felt a sharp pain in his left eye as he felt Applepaw's claws dig in.

When Applepaw finally let go, he saw nothing but blood he quickly saw bonefur carrying Applepaw by the scruff like a kit. Darkpaw looked around to see blackpelt staring at him with shock.

Darkpaw felt maplenose sniffing his wound. "Darkpaw come to the medicine den immediately." Darkpaw followed maplenose and sat in a nest as she cleaned his wound.

"Darkpaw, please open your eye for me." Darkpaw was confused but opened it anyways and saw his vision was a blur. Terrified, he looked at maplenose for answers.

"Your eye is infected but not too badly to the point that your vision is gone completely." Darkpaw saw Applepaw walk in with his nose still bleeding.

Fear ran, though Applepaw as he heard. "Darkpaw, I'm so sorry. I didn't think you'd lose your vision." Darkpaw felt anger towards Applepaw, but he knew Applepaw was sorry.

"It's ok Applepaw at least I have my first battle scar." Maplenose sniffed darkpaw's leg as she applied some cobwebs to it.

"Don't walk on your leg, and I want you to stay in the medicine den for a few days so I can see if your eye heals." Darkpaw saw Applepaw shuffling his paws as he stared at maplenose nervously.

"Applepaw, just because you made Darkpaw blind it doesn't mean I won't heal your nose. However, your nose might sting for a while."

Applepaw sighed as he sat by watching maplenose chew up some dock leafs. Darkpaw flinched when he saw Applepaw hiss away from maplenose touch.

"Don't act like a kit, Applepaw. It just stings deal with it. I can't believe warriors act like this over some stinging. Greyflower lost her foot, and she handled it better while expecting kits."

Darkpaw and Applepaw looked at maplenose with curious glances. Maplenose, knowing they wanted a story, she gave one.

"Greyflower was Mousecoal and spiderflights Mother. Her leg got ran over a monster while she went out for a walk. A twoleg was nice enough to take her to a medicine twoleg."

Darkpaw watched with wide eyes. Mousecoal had a really brave warrior for a mother. "The twoleg removed her leg but saved her, and her unborn kits."

Darkpaw was impressed. Greyflower must've been a really strong queen. "Done However avoid walking into a bramble when hunting near ThunderClan borders.

Applepaw nodded as he left the den. Raccoonpaw and Beetlepaw both ran into the medicine den with a concern scent coming from them. "Darkpaw, are you ok?"

Darkpaw felt his paws drop when he saw Raccoonpaw had vengeance glowing in his eyes. "I'm fine, Beetlepaw. I just can't exactly see properly from my eye."

Beetlepaw began to groom darkpaw's fur as Raccoonpaw sat with fear. "Father thinks it made you stronger." Beetlepaw stopped grooming Darkpaw and looked at Raccoonpaw.

Darkpaw thought about it for a second. "Well, it did because I know that Applepaw claws the eyes to blind the enemy." Both of darkpaw's littermates looked at darkpaw with disappointment.

"Darkpaw, this isn't a joke it means blackpelt won't give up on molding you into his father." Darkpaw nodded and stared at his paws.

"Will you guys stop bringing down my patient? He needs to rest." Maplenose used her tail to sweep the two apprentices out at they mewed in protest.

Maplenose went back to mixing some herbs after both apprentices were gone. Maplenose padded beside Darkpaw as she licked his fur.

"I understand your family is gone, but your siblings care about you, and blackpelt is just concerned about his kits not being known in the clan."

Darkpaw stared through the entrance of the medicine den and saw blackpelt demonstrating a move to the other apprentices. Darkpaw flet stones in his stomach, knowing his father wants to train him.


Darkpaw was back in training, but it was much harder, considering he was blind in one eye. "Darkpaw, your warrior ceremony will never come with those moves."

Darkpaw looked at Mousecoal with seething anger. He was trying but he couldn't see her. She kept going on his blind side, and she said it'll help train his hearing in case an enemy warrior decides to go on his blind side.

"Well, I can't see." Mousecoal looked at darkpaw with slit eyes. She had some sympathy mixed with anger. "Moonstrike, Jayfeather, brightheart, were all great cats."

Darkpaw snorted as he listened to Mousecoal. "Two of them were medicine cats, and the last one didn't even have an apprentice." Mousecoal snarled. "They were still respected warriors."

Darkpaw felt his fur bristle up. "A medicine cat isn't a warrior." Darkpaw spoke those cruel words through clenched teeth. Mousecoal had her tail lashing.

"A medicine cat is a role we must respect. Without them, we would all die." Darkpaw rolled his eyes as he walked past Mousecoal.

'Starclan, let that young apprentice be a wise warrior.' What kind of path doese darkpaw have?

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