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Word Count: 2370


Yawning, I head to the front door, rubbing my eyes.

I rely on the knocks to wake me. The sweet older woman who has been letting me rent this place temporarily, brings me milk every morning without fail.

I crack the door open an inch, looking out to see her beaming smile and pale eyes.

Since arriving here over a week ago, I still haven't settled in. I don't plan on sticking around for very long. I didn't take much money with me, so once that issue is dealt with, I'll be moving on to the next place.

The goal is to end up in Imogen's pack. There, less people will recognise me, and Onyx won't suspect I would choose that pack, of all places.

"Good morning, Miss," she greets, handing me the cool bottle of milk, along with an extra blanket she insisted on crocheting for me.

"Good morning Eliza, and thank you."

I like this woman, but I've sworn to myself that I wouldn't get attached. This place is beautiful, amidst nature and very secluded. If I could stay I would...

"What are your plans for today?" She asks cheerily, looking over my sleep addled form.

"I'm not sure." I rub my face. "I'm going to scout around and perhaps make a decision about where I want to go to next."

Her smile falters. "Moving on so soon?"

"I think I need to. I want to explore as much of the pack as possible before I move on to another one." I offer a smile, reaching out to rub her arm kindly.

By some miracle, she doesn't recognise me. When I first arrived I overheard her muttering about how political business didn't interest her, and that she doesn't keep up with the gossip circulating in newspaper columns.

She appears satisfied with that answer. "That sounds wonderful. Be sure to settle down soon, you're far too kind and beautiful to be so isolated."

"Thank you, but-"

The distant sound of wheels undulating over dirt road bumps has me pausing. Eliza looks over her shoulder too, trying to peer through the thick trunks to see who is approaching.

"Oh wow, that looks like the Alpha's royal colours!" She exclaims.

The flashes of colour become apparent through the trees, silver and black. The moment the transport sweeps around the corner and into view, my stomach twists painfully.

He's here. He found me.

"Uh oh," I mutter, clutching either side of the doorframe for support.

"This is either a wonderful surprise or a serious problem." Eliza draws her hand to her mouth, chewing on a nail distractedly.

"It's the latter. Why don't you go back home now, I'll speak you tomorrow," I insist urgently. I don't exactly want her witnessing this.

Whatever this is going to be.

"If that's the Alpha, I should probably greet him-"

"Nope, no need. I believe they are here for me," I exclaim, trying to usher her off hurriedly.

In her panic she just nods, realising that whatever is incoming it more than she wants to involve herself with right now.

She disappears around the side of the house while I stand my ground at the front door.

The transport settles right before the house, the wheels sinking into the mud of the driveway. I wrap my arms around myself, flooded with a myriad of feelings I know are going to betray my resolve.

The moment the door opens and Onyx steps out, my heart launches into my throat.

He stands there, the forest at his back. His beautiful face is in anguish as he takes me in, searching my body as if he can't believe he is really seeing me.

I clutch either side of the doorframe, having to physically keep myself standing.

I wasn't anticipating seeing him this soon, or at all. I definitely wasn't considering how quickly I would regret every decision I've made upon seeing him.

He looks just as he always has. The same as he looks under the dull barn light, the same as he looks when he lays in bed, reading his favourite book. He looks just like the best friend I thought I would be spending the rest of my life with.

"Sienna," he breathes, striding over to me.

All thoughts of threatening notes and resentful pack members fall behind me as I rush to meet him.

He sweeps me into his arms, lifting me half off the ground. I giggle into his neck, tightening my grip on him as I let his presence, his scent overcome me.

I quickly sober, the reality of what I have done settling over me.

"I'm so sorry." I pull away so I can see his eyes, which have shifted from concern to elation upon seeing me.

His hands clasp either side of my face, his touch featherlight. "Sorry? Don't be sorry."

"I don't know what overcame me, I just knew I needed to leave," I exclaim, guilt and embarrassment culminating into a harsh bundle of regret in the pit of my stomach.

"I understand," he murmurs. "But I cannot be without you, Sienna. Please come back to me."

My eyes fall to his mouth, which is capable of saying such beautiful words that are often not back up by any surety.

Maybe I can return home with him and he can help me find who has been threatening our lives. Maybe I can trust that he can live through every threat of danger.

But he is still married to Violet, and I'm still only his mistress.

I slip from his touch, backing up a step. "I...I don't know if I can."

"Everything will be different this time," he insists, a burning fire of determination flaring in his eyes.

"Will it? I can't live my life being just your mistress, just your friend. It's breaking me apart," I exclaim, my throat aching as I attempt to force back tears.

It's easy to be emotional. It's easy to cry in front of him, but I don't want him to choose me over his title because he pities me. I want him to want me.

Onyx sighs, running a hand through his hair. His expression is a wall of indecision until he meets my eyes, a sense of surety seeming to come about him.

"This isn't how I wanted to do this, but at this point, I don't think I have much of a choice," he announces, straightening.

"Do what?"

He grabs my hand. "Come."

He leads me inside, closing the door to block out the view of the drivers and guards who accompanied him.

I'm hoping he is too busy to look around and noticed the depressive pit I've been living in for the past couple weeks.

Thankfully, his eyes don't stray from me as he stops in the centre of the living room. Instead of opening his mouth to speak to me, he sinks to one knee, my hands still holding mine.

I freeze, my breath catching in my throat as the reality of what he is doing overcomes me.

"Onyx..." I breathe.

"I've spent far too many years dreaming about this moment. I never thought I would have the privilege of marrying you, and now, everything has changed," he says, tightening his grip on my hands.

My mind is whirling as I gaze down at him.

My fantasy is splitting, revealing a crack where I can see reality through it. I thought have Onyx on one knee before me would only ever be a dream.

"For too long I put my title before you. I feared how my Pack members would react to us marrying, how they would react to our child. Now, I realise that a union of love is what we deserve, what they deserve. They need to know they have an Alpha who is fully involved, who has everything they need to do this job the best they can," he says earnestly.

I bite down on my lower lip, nodding. I can feel tears building in my eyes, even as I feel nothing but elation.

"I need you Sienna. I want you. You're the other half of me, the only reason I can function. You're more than just my best friend," he declares. "I can't do life without you. I love you to my core, and I want the honour of being your husband, Sienna."

"I..." I can't get any words out, too overwhelmed by an onslaught of emotion.

Relief, surprise and pure, uninhibited happiness.

He smiles weakly, fighting back tears of his own. "Will you marry me? Let me give you everything I have, everything I am for the rest of our lives."

He slips his hand into his pocket, pulling out a ring. I stare at it, utterly dumbfounded as he holds it up expectantly.

"Yes...of course!" I blurt out, as if the moment will be stolen from me if I hesitate a moment longer.

He blinks up at me, his smile only growing. "Really?"

"Yes Onyx. I'll marry you."

He quickly slides the ring onto my finger, and as if fate has spoken, it fits perfectly. He stands, sweeping me off my feet once again before he twirls me around.

I press my mouth to his, tasting the saltiness of my tears. I've never felt more sure about anything in my life. Onyx is going to be my husband, regardless of what comes after this moment.

"I love you," he murmurs against my mouth. "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

He sets me down, but he still holds me close. I think we've both decided we don't want to be too far apart from each other from now on.

"I decided I was in love with you a long time ago. Since then I spent a great deal of time thinking up how I was going to propose. This was not what I had in mind, and yet, it's everything I could have wanted," he says, tracing his gaze over the small space that I've been living in.

I raise my brows sceptically. "Was it?"

"Well, you said yes. I'm the happiest man in the world right now." He brushes his fingers through my hair tenderly, gazing at me with unending adoration.

My smile dims slightly as realities prodding fingers remind me that I can't stay encased in pure happiness forever. There is so many consequences of Onyx and I marrying...


"Violet has conceded her place as Luna. She has made it clear that she wants to get as far away from her father as possible, and I've granted her that," Onyx assures me, his fingers grazing through my hair to the back of my neck, my skin tingling in response.

"Wow," I breathe. Everything really is falling into place.

"And my mother is perfectly okay with this. You don't need to worry," he adds before I can bring it up. "Well, at least I assume she will be. I don't think she will take much convincing, anyway."

"Good. Good."

I wrap my arms around him, resting my head against his chest. His heart patters below, still accelerated from anticipation my answer to his question.

How could I ever say no to him? How could I ever think for one second that this isn't everything I've ever wanted?

"Are you happy?" He asks gently.

"Of course I'm happy." I rest my hands on his shoulders, offering him my brightest smile. "I just worry about what your Pack members will think. I want them to accept me."

The thought of being Luna is daunting, but at the same time, it's all I've ever wanted. But I can't imagine doing the job when those I'm ruling over want me dead.

Onyx exhales slowly through his nose, clearly apprehensive about the same notion.

"I'm going to be honest with them. Some may push back, but they will soon see I am a strong leader, with an even stronger soon to be wife," he exclaims.

I stare up at him, feeling the comforting weight of the ring around my finger. This moment is real...it's not a dream, a fantasy. I'm really here with him, getting everything that I've ever wanted.

"We're really going to be together...we're really going to be more than friends," I breathe, shaking my head in bewilderment.

He nods, brushing a knuckle against my cheek. "Now we wait for the mate bond."

"What if we are wrong about that?" The thought is cold, chilling. I can't imagine it would be possible to have another person out there for me.

Onyx is all I've ever wanted. He has to be my happy ending.

"Even if we are, I don't care. You're mine, Sienna. And I am yours. It will always be that way."

He takes my face in his hands and kisses me again. This time the kiss is hardly chaste, his body pressing against mine insistently. I lean up on my tiptoes, winding my fingers into his hair so I can tug in time with every sweep of our tongues against each other.

"Do you even know how badly I want you?" He kisses the corner of my mouth before trailing it down to my neck.

It's as if he's pressed a button and consumed me with heat. The happiness still remains, but it's overcome by desire.

"I need you." My voice sounds strangled, barely mine.

Onyx pulls back, surveying the area. His eyes are black, a lustful haze becoming them.

"I can't take you for the first time here. Not in this place," he states firmly, looking back at me.

A thrill shudders through me as I grab his hand, tugging him toward the door. "Then you better get me home, and quick."


Thank you to everyone who has subscribed to this story over on Inkitt! Over there, you can read 15 chapters ahead!

If you would like to read more of The Alpha's Mistress, you can read over 10 chapters ahead on Radish!

If you would like to read more of The Alpha's Mistress, you can read over 10 chapters ahead on Radish!

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for reading (:

I would love if you could check out my new story A GOD AMONGST WOLVES out now on Wattpad!

I would love if you could check out my new story A GOD AMONGST WOLVES out now on Wattpad!

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

~Midika 💜🐼

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