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When y/n heard the first beep of that stupid alarm ring through her sensitive morning ears, she knew exactly what was about to happen. She was about to slam her fist onto her alarm's off button and wince in pain from how bad it hurt to do so.

She expectedly brought her fist up and slammed it down onto her alarm with purpose. And that's when she heard it. The resounding sound of a crack that will startle anybody. Whether it's the crack of your brand new phone, or the crack of your very annoying alarm clock.

She opened one eye to see what sound was, being taken by surprise when she saw that her alarm clock screen had completely shattered with the impact of her normally weak fist. She shot up in her bed and inspected the cracked screen of her alarm clock that she had just broken with her own fist.

Whatever, I hated that thing anyways.

She flew downstairs and approached her Aunt and Uncle sitting at the table, casually eating their breakfast.

"Morning, y/n," both her Aunt and Uncle greeted in unison, making her laugh.

"Good morning," y/n said, her morning voice deep and raspy, very evident from having just woken up.


Once Y/n finished breakfast, she placed her plate in the sink. Soon after, her Uncle offered her a side hug and said, "See ya later," before heading off to work.

Y/n ran upstairs and took her shirt off, ready to change. Remembering that her body had become so muscular over night, the girl took a moment to look at her shirtless self through the mirror. Afterwards, she changed into all blue and red again, because why not, before she headed to the bathroom in order to freshen up.


Y/n arrived at school and waited for the bell to ring in her car. Once the bell rang, she instantly hopped out of her car and went inside.

She walked through the hallways the same as she always did, back slightly hunched while tightly gripping her shoulder straps. When she got to her locker, she quickly entered in her combination.

Still no rock.

She opened her locker. Still no rock.

It took about 5 seconds of her shuffling through her locker for her peace to be ruined with the sound of a certain boy's uncompromising voice.

"Mornin', y/n," Taehyung's voice said through gritted teeth. He threw the rock and something in the blood of y/n's veins made her turn around with more alert sergeancy than usual. She quickly turned around, lacking in any sense of trepidation whatsoever, and snatched the rock from mid air.

I caught it. I actually caught it.

She stood in complete shock while inspecting the rock, while everyone else stood in complete shock as well.

"Hi... Taehyung," y/n mumbled out, still in complete shock from actually catching the rock that would usually undoubtedly add another bruise to her fragile back.

Taehyung stormed off while y/n simply dropped the rock. Her eyes nervously looked around at everyone staring in complete shock, before she shut her locker with furrowed eyes.

What the hell did that spider bite do to me?


The rest of the day went by normally, yet still completely inexplicable and unexpectedly peculiar. It went by normal, in the sense that y/n still had no fun at all in her classes. And it was completely inexplicable and unexpectedly peculiar, in the sense that a lot of people sat by her at lunch. And Taehyung didn't ram shoulders with her when they saw each other in the hallway, very... different from what y/n was used to.

Her hand reach up to shut her locker before she headed off to her car. Once she reached the parking lot, she heard someone yell, "Hey! Y/n!" from behind, prompting her to instantly turn around.

Y/n smiled a grin from ear to ear when she was met by a Jennie smiling back at her, but she was still left slightly confused as to why the smaller brunette would want to talk to her.

"Hi," was seemingly all that y/n could say as she admired Jennie's goddess-like features since she hasn't seen the beautiful girl's face up close in a while.

"Hi, so I was-uh. I wondering if you'd want to do something this Friday," Jennie wondered aloud. Shortly after, the smaller girl bit down on her bottom lip with a hopeful look on her face, glimmering in the brown of her eyes. Probably hoping y/n wouldn't reject her. "Or maybe not. I mean, we don't have to. I was just-uh... Yeah."

"Uh-yeah, sure. Are we just gonna take a walk or something or..." y/n trailed off for Jennie to answer, trying her best to hide her excitement. But the stuttering continued, "I don't know. We could just take a walk if you want. Or-uh- yeah. Whatever you wanna do."

"Yeah, we could just take a walk. I don't really mind what we do," Jennie said with a undoubtedly bright smile on her face while her cheeks flushed with a shade of pink. She tried to hide her smile by biting her bottom lip but it clearly didn't work at all.

Why is she so cute? She's really trying to kill me right now.

"Yeah. Okay. Totally. I'll-um-I'll see you Friday then, yeah?" at that point, y/n felt an uncontaminated amount of happiness and she was certain that she was about to burst from excitement.

Am I actually about to go on a date with Jennie Kim

"Alright, yeah. I'll see you Friday," Jennie announced with finality in her voice and a wide smile on her face before walking off to her car.

Y/n rushed to her car, full of anticipation. And as her feet dreamily carried her to her car, her head lulled back with a weird sense of euphoria. A weird sense of euphoria that only Jennie Kim could make Y/n feel.

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