A simple not-so-simple talk

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The party gradually wound down over the next couple of hours as people started to make their way home. Since our unexpected moment in the freezer, Reneé and I hadn't really talked about it, but for now, it didn't feel like something that needed urgent attention. I found myself content with the lingering eye contact and occasional touches we exchanged throughout the evening.

"Thanks for throwing such an amazing party, Mike," Reneé expressed her gratitude with a genuine smile.

"No problem at all," Mike replied warmly, giving her shoulder a friendly pat. "And just wait until you drop your first album; we'll have to go even bigger with the celebration," he added, giving me a knowing glance.

"Yeah, they're pretty big," I chimed in with a chuckle.

Reneé shot me a playful wink, sending a flutter of excitement through me as memories of our time in the freezer flashed through my mind. "Well, if she says so, I believe it," she teased. "Anyway, I think it's time for me to head out," she announced, her gaze drifting over to me, her eyes speaking volumes.

"Yeah, I think I'm ready to call it a night too," I agreed, turning to Mike.

"How convenient," Reneé quipped, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Wanna share a cab?"

"Sure, sounds good," I replied, trying to keep my tone casual even though my heart was racing with anticipation. Mike seemed oblivious to any underlying tension.

"Alright then," Mike said, waving us off. "Y/n, see you on Monday!"

"Yeah, definitely," I replied, managing to tear my gaze away from Reneé as she guided me out of Mike's house. "Calm down," I laughed as she playfully nudged me along.

Even as we stepped out onto the street, Reneé continued to guide me, and I let her, not wanting to question it. We walked in comfortable silence for a minute or so until we rounded the corner, and she finally let go. Turning to face her, I found her standing just inches away, bathed in the warm glow of the streetlights.

"Hi there," she greeted me casually, a playful smirk tugging at her lips as her gaze drifted down to my lips.

"Hi to you too," I replied, feeling drawn to her like a magnet. Without hesitation, I closed the gap between us, my heart racing as our lips met in a sweet, satisfying kiss. Reneé's arms instinctively wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer in a tender embrace.

It was a whirlwind of emotions, defying all logic. How could someone who had the potential to drive me up the wall suddenly make me feel like a giddy teenager with a crush? The thought lingered in the back of my mind even as I lost myself in the intensity of our kiss.

And then, reality hit me like a ton of bricks. This wasn't just any person I had caught feelings for—it was the first solo artist Mike had entrusted me with. Panic set in as I realized the implications of what we were doing. How had I forgotten that this was supposed to be about my career? How had emotions gotten so tangled up in it all so quickly?

Unconsciously, I pulled back from our kiss, my mind racing with doubts. "Hey, what's wrong?" Reneé's voice brought me back to the present, her concern evident in her expression.

"We work together," I blurted out, the weight of the realization heavy on my shoulders.

"I'm aware," Reneé's chuckle faded as she sensed my unease. "Are you worried about that?" Her grip on me loosened, uncertainty creeping into her demeanor.

"I mean, shouldn't you be?" I countered, my own apprehension bubbling to the surface. "Your career is just starting to take off. Aren't you afraid that if this doesn't work out, it could jeopardize everything? We'd still be bound by contract, forced to work together even if things go south," I confessed, watching as she processed my words. Her sudden withdrawal sent a chill down my spine.

"I wasn't," she admitted with a frown. "But it seems like you are."

Reneé's words echoed in the quiet space between us, her admission hanging heavy in the air. It was a sobering realization, one that left me grappling with my own conflicting emotions.

"Reneé, I just... I don't want to mess things up," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "Not with my job," I added hastily. "But also not with you. I never expected to feel this way about you. But here we are," The words spilled out in a rush, each one tinged with uncertainty. "I don't know how it happened or when it started, but I really like you. Like, a lot," I confessed, my eyes searching hers for any sign of understanding.

"And then there's Mike..." I trailed off, feeling the weight of his influence on my life pressing down on me. "God, he would freak out if he found out," Panic flickered in my eyes before I shook my head, realizing how absurd it was to let him dictate something like that. "But why should he get to decide who I get to be with? Sure, he can make or break my career, but - Wait, I-uh, I don't mean that we're together or anything. I just meant hypothetically and-" I stumbled over my words, my thoughts spinning out of control. I brought my hand up to my head in a feeble attempt to shield myself. "I just... I don't know," I admitted, feeling utterly lost.

As I dropped my hands from my face, I caught sight of Reneé's amused expression, her laughter breaking through the tension.

"What?" I asked, confused by her reaction.

"It's just... you're kind of adorable when you're flustered," she teased, her smile softening the edges of her words.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her comment, the tension in my shoulders easing slightly in her presence.

"Y/n, let's just not make it complicated," she suggested, her voice soft but steady. "Let's take it slow and.... You know, we can keep it between us for now," She stepped closer, her hand finding mine and intertwining our fingers. "That way, you don't have to worry about Mike or anyone else finding out. We can figure this out together," she reassured me, her touch grounding me in the moment.

"You'd be okay with that?" I asked, a hint of surprise in my voice as I squeezed her hand gently.

"If it eases your mind, then yes," Reneé replied with a gentle smile. "We'll figure it out together, no rush."

"So... what? we're secretly dating now?" I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation, earning a nod of agreement from Reneé. Before I could say anything else, she placed a hand on my cheek and pressed her lips against mine in a soft, reassuring kiss.


Okay, so I haven't been able to update for a couple of days... but I saw today that I had almost 1K reads?? I know it's barely anything, but i never thought anybody would even read this haha

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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