Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


After a long day of attending classes, I step into my dorm room, toss my backpack to the floor, sit cross-legged on my bed, and Facetime my boyfriend, William.

He picks up on the first ring, which means he's been waiting for my call. However, it also means he only has about ten minutes to chat before his Lacrosse practice.

He's already in the locker room when his face comes onto the screen. A few of his teammates are behind him, shirtless and tossing around a Lacrosse ball. The sound of laughter, mindless chatter, and showers run in the background.

I've only been at UCLA for a week, but it feels like an eternity since I've seen William. His big brown eyes sparkle behind his dark-framed glasses. His lips curl into a smile, and my heart beats a little quicker than usual when he says, "Hey, babe."


"So, how's week one been?" he asks, running his hand through his hair. "Are you making friends?"

"So far, so good," I tell him. "I've made one friend so far; her name is Callie."

"Have you been missing me as much as I've been missing you?" he asks, pinning me with a serious expression.

"Yes," I volley back. "I miss you so much."

"Aw, I miss you too, Aurora," Kevin, one of William's teammates, pops up behind him on the screen and starts making kissing noises. "I can't stop thinking about you," he says in a mushy-gushy voice. William reacts by pushing him away from the screen. I wouldn't have thought his cheeks could get that pink. "I'll call you later," he says, annoyed. 

"I work tonight," I remind him. "It's my first shift at The Study, the coffee house on campus."

He waves a flippant hand. "You accepted that job?" Even though I've told him multiple times I did and how I planned to gain independence and create a new life for myself, free from my parents and their expectations, he still doesn't believe me. "I thought you were joking when you told me you wanted to work on campus. You don't need a job. Your parents pay for everything. You should be focusing on your studies."

I frown. "I told you how much I want a fresh start. I want to work, make my own money and make new friends -"

The sound of the locker room door being pushed open and a coach's voice booming in the background causes William to cut me off. "Listen, I gotta go," he says, then glances over his shoulder. "Text me later, okay?" And with that, he clicks off from our call. 


When six o'clock rolls around, I step through the backdoor entrance of The Study and am greeted by a shorter male with long dark hair tucked under a black beanie. He has a sleeve of tattoos on his left forearm, and he smells like patchouli and leather. "Hey, Aurora. Welcome," he says, peering around the corner into the front of the coffee shop, which is currently very busy with many customers. "I'm Jayce, the one in charge around here."

We shake hands. "Nice to meet you. But actually, I prefer being called Rory."

"Okay, cool," he says, smiling. "I like that, Rory. Cool nickname."

I only visited The Study for the first time a few days ago with Callie. I had applied to work here online and had an interview over a Zoom call before I arrived at UCLA. It's a coffee shop like any other situated on the main University campus. It has chandelier lights, oversized windows, and round wooden tables and chairs. It is much more quaint than the coffee shops I've visited in Greenwich. Still, it has a modern and collegial vibe, which I love.

End GameOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant