Private Messaging

1.3K 120 62

Hello everyone, whoever came to this, y'know this is important

So everyone has read about the ban of user-user messaging (private messaging)

Well, I'm going to put a stop to that ban. 

Today I have made a petition to stop this, Wattpad has been informed on the website I'm using about this petition and that we're not going to stop.

This has gone too far. So many bad things have happened on Wattpad but we're not losing this

Sign this petition if you think the same

STOP WATTPAD      ———> (link posted)

I will also be posting updates on counter signatures each day until May 4

If you have read this, tag some friends here or post this book to your message board, we need to get the word out and fast.

That's all for today, wait for the next update.

Wattpad Banning Private MessagingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora