End Zone

307 41 61

Hello everybody, I just noticed that I had a draft about wattpad's deleting, I thought it posted but instead it was erased and drafted (which is weird in my opinion)

So I'll be talking about that (if I haven't, Idk if I have written a chapter about it)

So it's known that wattpad has been deleting messages about the petition links and comments about the matter,

as if to make it seem that nothing is going on in wattpad, welp we're proving you wrong. I think 'The Verge' is a online/American news website and there has been an article written on there 

Link: https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/23/24138411/wattpad-removing-direct-messaging-dm-feature-grooming

I think it's an online news website (It was written a few days ago but now I have learned it was from the news)

So no. We're not done yet, many people are giving up on this matter but we're pushing through.

There has also been an update on 'News & Updates' in the Wattpad account, y'know what to do

I know everyone is starting to have their doubts right now, there's only a week left until May 6.

You have every right to be scared or doubtful but don't let that take over your actions.

Right now everyone should be spreading out the word even more than before, you must be like 'you've said that a million times, it's not working'

Wattpad'll hear us, I want them to hear us.

Wattpad, (tag here) ————>

You're not silencing us anymore, this book, this petition is around the world globally. Many articles already being written by many different people. 

You're losing people, losing so many people that wattpad might not even run by then. It's already turning dead now, it'll be even deader by May 6

Everyone is leaving, so many hopes on this and you're choosing to fucking ignore us?


I'm not scared of you. I've never have and never will.

This is the end zone game now, and I'm choosing to play it.

It's our way or the highway.

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