Wattpad Changes & How It Impacts Us

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For those of you who are unaware, Wattpad is making the amazing decision to delete pms!!! It's such a good decision, duh!!!

Obviously I'm being sarcastic.

This completely screws me. For my Eclipse Awards, I give only private feedback for the sake of wanting to not embarrass anyone and give them a chance to talk to me privately about these matters.

For my review shop, I have private feedback, and while not many choose private, it still gives you an option to get feedback in a way that won't make you feel like you're being put on the spot.

If pms get removed, I can no longer do this, at least not without going through a hundred hoops and hurdles and giving out my social media, which I do not want to do.

Wattpad is hurting their safety by removing pms. This is genuinely one of the stupidest decisions I've ever seen a major corporation do, but why am I not surprised? Wattpad doesn't know how to make a good decision to save its life.

My email is in my bio if you have any questions or would like private feedback; however, this is going to put a major dent in how I give feedback. I speak to countless people every week and read their work privately. So I'm just screwed, pretty much.

Thanks Wattpad.

It's also super inconvenient because I can't keep track of every comment or mb post. I get a lot of comments and posts on my mb, and comments especially can be lost. My pms are relatively easy to look through even when they're clogged and I'm behind (which I am right now-). Without pms, there's a higher chance I'll miss important questions and comments because now you don't have the opportunity to reach out to me privately.

I'll leave a link to the petition to stop this here. Although I doubt it will do much, maybe, just maybe, if enough people stand up against this, they'll do something.

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