Chapter 3: Pastor Paul

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 Being in front of the crowd felt isolating. There were fifty other people in this room, every eye concentrated on the wordless noises escaping my mouth. I was alone, up here on the podium. More alone then usual.

 "I . . . I, um . . ." I stuttered.

 "Rowena Lavigne." Paul announced to the crowd, saving the cadence of the sermon. "Spent all her life here with us. Rowena is truly a special gift from God." He turned towards me, "It's okay Row. There is no judgement here. Speak your truth."

 The smith brothers were giggling to each other at the sight of me struggling. My face turned red. Finally, however, I found my footing.

 "I was possessed." The room rippled with hushed gasps, "Possessed by a devil so I've been told. I was eight years old at the time. I had run away from home. . .I don't remember much of the story myself. . .but. . .apparently I had put the town into quite the fright. They had dogs and flashlights scanning the woods for me. When they had finally found me. . . I was climbing trees, my head twisted the wrong direction."

 "It was Asmodeus." Paul intervened, "Demon of lust. Possessing an eight year old girl. Truly the most vile event I have ever heard of. Pastor Marcus told me all about it when I first took over for him. She was screaming profanity's that I would not expect from a grown man, much less a poor child."

 Woman in the crowds were dabbing their watering eyes. Men sat cross armed and scowling with interest at the disturbance of the story.

 "But then, what happened?" Paul asked with excited anticipation.

 I swallowed a dry throat, "God saved me."

 "Not just saved. He forgave you." He put an arm around my shoulder, presenting me to the crowd, "Even one touched by evil itself can be redeemed in the eyes of God. Rowena, tell this crowd why this happened. What were you doing out there in the woods?"

 I couldn't remember fully. Sometimes, when I would lie down I would see flashes of the experience. I saw a flash of my mother, beautiful as I could ever imagine, with fiery red hair to match her red dress. She stood amidst burning woods, blackened with ash.

 "I can only say what I've been told." I said, "but according to Papa. . .I had been trying to summon a demon."

 The crowd sighed with shocking disappointment. 

 "I didn't know it would work. I just wanted to see Mama again. I-"

 Pastor Paul cut me off, "Summoned a demon at eight years old." He paused to let the wait of that statement sink into the crowd, "What a disgusting thing for a child to do. Truly a vile act." He looked me in the eye. "Disgusting."

 I bowed my head in shame.

 "But let me tell you, good folk. That she has not been possessed even once since opening that terrible door so many years ago. Now, she's a beloved member of this community and is growing into a fine young woman. That is the power of Gods forgiveness."

 Being allowed to sit back down in my seat didn't come soon enough. As soon as he gestured me back into the crowd I scurried as fast as I could and slumped down into my seat. People scooted away as I walked past them, as if i carried some disease.

 Daddy smacked me on the knee.


 "Sit up." He barked quietly.

  I obeyed. Sitting up like a proper woman, just as Daddy taught me. From this position I could see Luke still eyeing me from the other side of the church.

 After sermon ended we all went outside to help set up for thanksgiving lunch. Some of the men were out there since early this morning roasting turkeys and pigs while some of the women produced mashed potatoes, potato salad, deviled eggs, roasted carrots, peas, and all kinds of delicious smelling sides.

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