Chapter 12 - Growing

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"So I'm not quite sure when, but as you heard, Stela is on her way to the Moon River Pack with her brother Cael and their mother Sylvie." Olwen spoke, looking at the four in the Alpha's office with her. "You can search my phone if you need, but I haven't had any contact with her since I left the pack. She doesn't know that I'm here, and this was the last voicemail she left me."

Olwen had deliberated telling the authorities before deciding that since she knew, it was better to pre-empt the arrival of more former members from the Silver Arrow Pack. Firstly, she didn't want her friend and her family attacked for having ill-motives. And secondly, if she held back this information, she doubted it would look good on her behalf.

She just hoped Stela would understand.

To assuage any doubts, she'd played the voicemail for Landon, Elijah, Cassidy and Josh as they were gathered in the former's office.

"So...Stela," Cassidy began thoughtfully, still absorbing what she'd heard. "She was training to be Beta back in the Silver Arrow Pack until...this?"

"From the sounds of it." Olwen nodded. "If she'd stayed in the pack, she would've been appointed Beta after the Ceremonies were over."

"That makes sense." Gamma Josh muttered. He was looking up the announcement of the Alpha, Luna and Marking Ceremonies on the Evergreen bulletin on his phone. "The Beta in this post is still named as Beta Kayden Anderson."

"Yup, her father. And my first trainer."

"Ohhhh." Delta Cassidy said with a snort. "Sounds like the man has less of a spine than the rest of his family."

Olwen wanted to disagree but kept her mouth shut - she didn't know what had happened between Stela and her father yet after all.

"So Stela's brother hacked into Alpha Aaron's mail and unearthed the messages?" Beta Elijah commented aloud.

Olwen shrugged and nodded again. She was trying to calm her nerves and not see this as an interrogation, though she was by all means still the newest member of the Moon River Pack and had only been here for a month or so.

"I don't put it past him to know how to do that. He left the pack for a few years to study programming, and he's a natural."

"Hm. You know if what you say happened really did, he could be a useful addition to our pack as well." Gamma Josh remarked.


Everyone quieted at the sound of Alpha Landon's voice, who was facing her in his desk, his gaze serious.

"I understand that these people are close friends of yours from the Silver Arrow Pack, and as such we will keep a look out for them and will not treat them with hostility when they arrive. But, I'm sure you know that this will have to come with certain agreements, especially if things go south."

Olwen nodded, her face just as solemn.

"I understand, Alpha."

"Firstly...if they intend to stay in the Moon River Pack they will have to undergo the same initiation phase that you went through. No special favours. And secondly.."

Concern flashed in Landon's blue eyes.

"If something goes wrong, you're aware that your position in the pack could be jeopardised."

Olwen nodded again with all sets of eyes on her.

"I'm aware. And I'm willing to take that chance."

"If Stela really is coming to us for some kind with the new Alpha and Luna of the Silver Arrow Pack, this could be something." Cassidy remarks, leaning against the Alpha's desk. "The Silver Arrow Pack has been the uncontested leader and representative of the Evergreen Wilds Packs for years since its inception."

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