✷ 013: The Surprise.

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TOO FAMOUS !      by KissLeclerc
February 9, 2024    #    "Can We Do A Redo?"

              WAKING UP FROM her usual Friday afternoon nap, Devyn checked the time to see it was nearing 5:00PM, noticing Reneé might've already left for her evening lab class, even if it was a little earlier than usual.

Stretching in place, Devyn reached over to grab her phone to see many notifications, a majority being from her friends sending TikToks, and Ollie texting casual updates about his day. She quickly sent him a good morning text, although it was practically the middle of the day before she decided to get up and tend to her needs and use the bathroom, when she heard a knock at the door.

Clueless as to who that can be since Reneé left for class, Devyn attempted to wake herself up more by massaging her cheeks in place and quickly walked up to the door before checking the peep hole, seeing the person she least expected.

"Marcus?" She questioned, unamused to see the blonde standing right in front of her.

"Hi." Was all he let out. "Err.. Can I talk to you?" He asked as she looked away for a moment to think. "Uhh.. Yeah. But just wait in here." Devyn moved to the side.

"I need to use the bathroom, so I'll be back." She explained before grabbing the keys off the shared rack she had with Reneé before exiting, and walking down the hall to the communal bathrooms.

"Ollie, come on, where are you? I'm already late for class!" Reneé groaned on the phone as she was stood out in the cold, looking for the tall racer who had finally arrived to Cardiff.

"Im trying to keep a low profile, I'm sorry—" He apologized. "But I'm coming round the corner right now, I'll be there in a minute." He said over the phone as Reneé rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna kill you." She sighed.

"Reneé!" He called out, the blonde being able to hear it through the phone and in person, making her turn around to be met with the familiar brunette she had only seen online.

"Finally." She groaned, huddling toward him in the cold air as he was nuzzled into a large winter coat.

"Hi." He greeted awkwardly as Reneé looked him up and down before shaking her head. "Here." She shoved her bright pink lanyard in his hands. "I'm only gonna walk you in, but after that I need to get to class." She walked past him and toward the front doors of her dorm.

Following after Reneé, Ollie stayed close as she showed her ID to the front desk for proof of residence before taking Ollie to the elevators and stopping there. "Use this key." She pointed at a specific one. "It'll be on the third floor, room 308." She instructed as she pressed on the elevator buttons.

"You got it?" Reneé asked, looking down at her watch.

"Yes! Thank you so much." He smiled as he gripped into her keys. "I'll give these back to you later." He jingled them in her face.

"Yeah, I hope you will?" Her tone unamused. "Anyways, I really have to go." She apologized. "Have a beautiful time. But don't do anything weird." Reneé pointed. "Okay, see you!" She hurried off toward the doors, quickly exiting.

With the elevator doors opening, Ollie walked in and pressed the button that displayed 3, following Renee's instructions. He stood patiently as the ride only went up three floors, getting off on Devyn's hall in no time.

Too Famous  ✷  Ollie BearmanWhere stories live. Discover now