Chapter 6

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The next morning, Claire woke up in a jolt, swiftly sitting up and breathing heavily. What the fuck was that!? She looked around and things felt spinny, but she was forced to go to school anyways. Once she got there, Bubble was, strange. She didn't look the same, she looked like...

Wh- how.. Claire walked up to Bubble.
"Hey. Wanna hang out after school..?" Claire asked, her voice not showing any form of excitement or emotion.

Bubble put up a thumbs up, and walked away. Claire felt dizzy. How were they still.. She decided not to think of it, and to go to her next class. Once she got there, she felt like she was gonna pass out. Maybe due to the lack of eating, sleeping, or recent hallucinations. She set her head down on the desk and passed out (as in sleeping). She woke up due to someone shaking her wake. It was Cubbie, strangely.

"Hey, uh, class ended. You should probably get to your next one before you're late. Sorry." Cubbie said, walking away.

Claire sighed and stood up. She couldn't handle anything else the way her body was acting, so she went to the nurses office.

Once she got in there, Miss Michael greeted her (oh btw, Miss Michael is just smth i came up with, they're MtF). Claire sat down and explained the dizziness. So the nurse let her rest in there till she felt better, and offered her a small snack. Claire ended up explaining about her hallucinations and lack of eating and sleeping. She explained the sudden panic she woke up in this morning to Miss Michael. She ended up feeling a little better after an hour or two and decided to go back to her classes. Thankfully, it was actually lunch for her, so she went over to lunch, and sat next to Bubble. She could barely make out it was actually Bubble, as it looked like someone else.

"So, where do you wanna meet after school? Maybe we can explore this cool abandoned warehouse I found! I have yet to go in." Claire suggests.

Bubble nodded and so Claire decided to skip the rest of lunch and walk around. She said goodbye and walked over to Alice's room, eavesdropping on the outside to see if Oliver went back in there. She still didn't understand how he was able to go in there freely, and NOT die immediately. He must have some sort of association with her. She waited there past lunch and nothing happened, so she just sat there waiting, eventually falling asleep on the floor leaning against the wall. Since nobody went in that hallway often, she wasn't really disturbed. She only woke up when she felt someone pushing her gently with their foot. She woke up and saw Oliver looming above her.

"What are you doing sitting on the floor asleep outside of Alice's room?" Oliver asks.

"What're you doing going there?" Claire replies, sitting up.

"Now that's none of your business now is it? So you should go, as school ends soon." Oliver says, walking past her and into Alice's room.

"Wow, ok, no need to be a bitch damn." She muttered to herself, walking out of the school before someone could tell her to go back to class. On the walk back home she was still thinking, 'how were they still alive? I thought I killed them'. She continues spacing out till she got home, and walked it, sprawling out on her bed and sighing. She decided to relax for a bit before heading out. She grabbed her phone and started scrolling online.

After a bit of aimless scrolling, she decided to head out. She grabbed her bag, her ax, and other stuff, and started to the warehouse.

When she got to the warehouse, she noticed Bubble was already there. They went in and started looking around. Claire continued to stare at Bubble. How the fuck were they alive? Claire Swore she killed her. She killed her along with Edward, Miss Emily, and Chip. So how was SHE still alive!?Claire decided to just get this over with and grabbed out a pocket knife, attacking Bubble.

"HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE!? I KILLED YOU FIRST!" She screamed, stabbing Bubble's eye out. Bubble tried to scream but she couldn't talk (Loser). She slammed her knee into Claire's stomach and fled deeper into the warehouse. Claire's mouth spat blood due to the intense stomach pressure. She fell to the ground as she watched Bubble run. She stood up, holding her stomach in her arms as she limped.

"Ok, Zip, you wanna play? Let's play then." (Oh! By the way! Claire is schizophrenic and and is seeing Bubble as Zip! :3)

Bubble was running through the warehouse when she came across someone eating a lifeless body on the floor. That body kind of looked like.. Chip..? She clasped her hands to her (nonexistent) mouth, and felt warm blood on her hand. The adrenaline wore out and she suddenly felt all the pain in her eye. She went to cup her eye but it felt hollow. Her focus on her eye shifted when she heard a voice in the distance.

Claire was humming a soft but loud tune, as she walked looking for Bubble. She walked swiftly and pridefully, her ax scraping against the ruined concrete floor.

Bubble was still panicking for a hiding spot, when she felt someone yank her behind a wall. She tried to fight them off but they shushed her. It seemed to be the person who was eating Chip's body earlier.

"Hey, wait, shh, I'm trying to save your skin here. I can only assume you're running from whoever killed that kid over there, and as much as I love fresh food I'm not just gonna watch you die. My name is Robin, and you are?" The person asked. Bubble raised her eyebrow and pointed at her lack of mouth.

"Oh, sorry. Well, I'd suggest going to the forest to hide, so you don't get cornered at all." Robin said, as scraping approached behind them.

"Well, I wish you the best of lu-" Claire cuts Robin's head off with her ax, the blood splattering onto hers and Bubble's bodies. Bubble looked at Claire with fear, and tried to run, Claire barely hit her and sliced her tail. Bubble winced but kept running, blood dripping from her as she sped out of the warehouse into the forest, Claire running after her. Bubble fell and landed in front of a tree, Claire approached her and swung, but Bubble rolled out of the way, causing Claire's ax to hit the tree. She yanked her ax out, but the tree started to tip, and it crushed Claire and Bubble. It broke Claire's right hand and broke Bubble's arm. As they struggles to get free, Bubble decided her life was more important, and started yanking her body, her skin starting to tear off. Eventually, she ripped off her whole arm. The blood flowing out like a fountain, she gave Claire one last look before sprinting away. Claire finally yanks herself out of under the tree, wincing in pain and holding her hand, damn it. She got away. Claire started limping, grabbing her ax and heading home.

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(A.N: Hey guys! Wow this chapter is long, whew. I hope you all enjoyed! What did you think of the ideas? I hope I did good on it! I've run dry of all ideas, so I may be slower writing, but please do stay tuned, and enjoy!

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