Chapter 1

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Lights flickering at the empty and ruin hall of the factory. Rampage toys roaming around the place as they were in for a hunt. A figure, who was watching from above perch itself on the pipes. Scanning around the Area before spreading their wings and flew away, quiet as an owl.

Scaling down, grabbing anything that is edible without being seen before disappearing quietly. Arriving at the area that was not known to the rampaging toys and sight before landing quietly on the ground, wings tuck behind them as they headed towards the door. Opening it quietly and closing it quietly and gently before locking it.

"guys! mom's back!"






multiple voices all overlay each other making the woman, with wings gave a soft yet tired chuckle before kneeling down." hello little ones." she said softly as she let the youngest of the children hug her before standing up, with the two youngest children in her arms.

"welcome back ma. How's scavenging??" Her eldest asked, while holding the new born in her arms. "it was difficult but i manage to find something for you all to eat." she answered as she gently place the two youngest back to the ground. "Sweet! i'll go and prepare. Here, i think eclipse need you though." her eldest said as she handle the new born baby to her, who coo happily to see her mother." thank you Emily." she said softly to her eldest, Emily, who nodded before leaving to get ready with her  other siblings following suit as well.

During the hour of joy, she manage to saved every orphan children as fast as she can despite that she's injured and covered in blood. She and the surviving children found themselves in the safe bunker that was created incase of something like this happens. So they been using the bunker for 10 years after the hour of joy.

She rarely use her nicknamed or her name. . . .She prefer to be called 'Fallen' to everyone. Fallen avoid interraction with the other toys that she used to know as she rather not to get killed or let them harm the children that she adopted. Fallen snapped out of her daze when Eclipse whimpered making her look down and sigh, knowing that eclipse is hungry. "lets see if we could find milk." she said softly as she walk away to head to the nursary room.


Next day, or night as Fallen couldnt remember since she been in the factory for 10 years and never got a chance to get out without being caught or eaten alived by rampaging toys. However, while she was scouting around the factory as she was looking for something for herself and for her children. She over heard a rumors that something or someone came back, who was supposed to be death during the hour of joy.

That's leaves her confused but she over heard that the worker is at the survivor is at the gamestation and on their way to go to the playcare. The word of playcare made her tense up upon hearing that word. She never going back there. Ever. She shook her head furiously before continuing flying around, scavenging before returning back to the bunker.


Jonathan was only came back to the factory after receiving the letter that the employees and co-workers that he used to know, who all suddenly disappeared 10 years ago, telling him that there are still there and find the flower. And now, here he is. Almost being killed or being chased by a crazy toy around the factory.

Now he found himself glaring at the ceiling, wondering how everything came to this as he couldnt remember how many days or nights he's been here on the factory. But clearly he remembers that its friday night when he came here. His phone's been dead for too long for him to reference it, but its not like it had any signal anyway.

He wince when he felt his body ached and his was mind was unsettled as a firm realization that he may or may not possibly never make it out had already unsettled his soul. However, while he moves around he froze when he felt something or someone was watching him. He cursed mentally thinking a savage and hungry toy is ready to pounce at him.

Before he could turn around, he yelp when he felt himself being tackled to the ground, crashing his back against the ground before a very sharp object was pointed towards to his neck. He held back his scream of terror before he froze in shock to see who is the one who tackled him to the ground. There he saw a woman, a human woman who wears mask that covered her mouth. That made him sigh in relief mentally that there's a human here on this damn factory but what made him more surprise is that this woman have wings.

He watch the woman's eyes went wide when she realized who she tackled to the ground." A. . . human??? how. . .how is that possible??" he heard the woman said as she slowly take a step back, to let him get up. He never taken his eyes off her as he stared at her." who are you??" the woman asked as she pointed her weapon at him making him raise both of his hands in surrender motion." I am Jonathan. . . .Jonathan Watson. . . . im well. . . .co-worker of this factory. . . .or ex-co-worker of this factory." he introduced himself as the woman stared at him before pulling her weapon back and introduced herself." I am Fallen." she introduced herself before turning away to begin what she was doing.

"um. . . .may i ask. . . . . what are you??" he asked her as he never seen any kind of human who have wings. Sure, he seen angels on the internet but never seen the real one. He watch Fallen paused at her mid step before speaking without even looking at him. 

"i am known as a fallen angel. . . .that's why i called myself. . .Fallen." Shen then look over to look at him. "and the reason is that. . . . I. . . .was too far to save those whom i care about . . . .the trust i have to them. . . .is now gone. . . . that's how a fallen angel because of my failure to save those who i love and care."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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