Chapter 18

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Derek watched the sleeping girl. He brushed her pink hair away from her face. The small hand holding onto his large one trembled slightly and he warmed it using both his hands hoping to make her feel comfortable.

He heard a step, the door opened and he recognised the guest.
"You must have come to see her. But Lady Edith is resting."

"Well... I came to check up on her. How is her condition?" Reggie asked showing no reaction though he sensed the cold tone.

Derek continued icily "She's fine. Thank you for you care till this time but from now on I will take care of the matters of my fiancee."

Reggie felt irritated and also longed to see Edith at least for a while. "You are such a caring fiance, yet you don't know what she is suffering through and I don't think you should decide if she wants my help or not."

Derek wanted to punch Reggie's face but he saw Edith was still in a nightmare and didn't want to leave her side.
"I already made myself clear, young Duke. If you insist on challenging my boundaries then don't blame me for discourtesy. "

Reggie strode forward and just then Edith opened her eyes suddenly with a start. A cold sweat was visible in her face and Derek immediately sat next to her on the bed.

Seeing his face, she calmed down as the pallor reduced. In Derek's embrace she began to cry while he continued to console her.
She calmed down as he softly murmured a tune to steady her nerves. Slowly she drew back and then it took her some time to realize there was another presence in the room.
"Sir Reggie," she said surprised. He couldn't help but notice how she was holding onto Derek's hand as if she would never let go. And he could clearly see, her gaze was different when it was towards Derek, it was a gaze nobody else would get and this continued to anger him making him wonder why he was so angry.
He gave a polite bow "I came to check on you Lady Edith."
"Oh... Thanks a lot. I am sorry for troubling you."

"Not at all, your health is all that matters."

"Thanks a lot er-"

"Lady Edith needs to rest. You may go ahead, young Duke."

Edith looked at Derek, a frown encased in his good features. Reggie bowed and went outside.
"Derek, why are you rude to him? He helped me."
"I don't think he helped you with no motive."

I frowned "I am sure Reggie is a good person. I don't want to hear that about the person who will be my closest friend's fiance."

"What does that mean?"

"Penny is interested and in him and I think he likes her too. We might get news of their engagement."

Derek brightened up "I hope he does, at least I don't have to worry about losing you to him then."

I was confused "What nonsense are you saying? I only consider him a friend."

He looked at me with narrowed eyes "It's only you, he clearly seemed interested in you more."

I couldn't believe it. Then Derek came closer and allowed me to lean my back onto his chest. He had put an arm around my shoulder and I blushed.
"Get some rest. Tomorrow I will tell you what happened in Zeda Kingdom."

"I-I can just lie on the bed."

He leant near my ear and kissed the side of my head. "Dear Edith, I already waited quite long to meet you. Don't continue to talk or I might lose control."

I haven't realized he was so possessive. His recent jealousies and boldness showed me a new side of Derek I hadn't seen during the previous lifetime.
Its not like I hated him being with me. But I was also afraid he would have to go somewhere again making me miss him more. Hearing his words though I realised how he wouldn't be going back to Zeda anytime soon.
So I leaned my head on his chest, his rapid heartbeat consoled me and soon I drifted to sleep.

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