Seize The Day!

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Seize the day!
Don't wait-
Make your moment count
You'll regret it if you don't, after all

You're still down?
Why is that?
What's holding you back from going through with it?
The weighted feeling is heavy on your back

Lift it off your shoulders
And if it's hard, then push through it
You've got this, I believe in you!

You're still down?
Down in the dumps

I'm sorry
Sorry for everything
I miss you, that's all

The tattoo you've engrained into my soul
Is permanent
And beautiful
And I was wanting you to know that

But you'll never respond back

I'm hoping that
One day, you'll come through
Jump into my arms
And cuddle me as if you never left

But, that's a hope
And not a promise

And you've promised me that
"When I'm gone,
Leave me to rest
I need my beauty sleep after all"

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