Carlos & Tk - scared

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(No one's POV)

The sound of laughter and clinking glasses filled the air at the local bar as Carlos sat at a table with his friends. The dimly lit room was cozy and familiar, a stark contrast to the chaos he usually dealt with on the streets.

His vibrant smile and easy charm were in full display as he engaged in animated conversation, the good-natured ribbing of his colleagues and the shared camaraderie a welcomed respite from the usual tension of his job.

They were celebrating a successful bust that had taken months of hard work, and for a brief moment, Carlos allowed himself to relax and enjoy the company of those he trusted.

The night took a drastic turn when Carlos received the call that his husband had been injured on the job. The staticky voice on the other end of the line was barely audible over the sudden pounding of Carlos's heart in his ears.

Every instinct in him screamed to move, to act, and without a word of explanation, he was on his feet, the sudden change in his demeanor drawing concerned looks from his friends. As he raced to the hospital, fear and worry gnawed at his insides, turning his stomach into a tight ball of agony.

Nervously waiting in the hospital waiting room, the minutes stretched into eternity as Carlos wrestled with his fear, a silent prayer on his lips.

The dim lighting and the hushed voices of the medical staff created a cocoon of anxiety around him. Finally, a doctor emerged from the double doors, his expression grave, and in that moment, Carlos felt the ground give way beneath him.

The news that TK's injuries were severe and his condition critical was a physical blow, leaving Carlos reeling, the world around him tilting on its axis.

The realization that the man he loved, his anchor in the stormy seas of life, was in danger of slipping away from him sent a sharp spike of pure, unadulterated terror through his heart.

As the days blurred together in a haze of waiting and hoping, Carlos began to feel the heavy weight of despair settle like a shroud over his shoulders. The beeping of machines and the antiseptic smell of the hospital merged into a symphony of sorrow, each moment without news from the doctors a fresh torture.

Holding on to hope was becoming harder with each passing second, and Carlos found himself adrift in a sea of anguish, his usual sources of strength failing to pierce the darkness that threatened to consume him.

Amidst the bleak despair, the memory of the first time he met TK, the instant connection that sparked between them, brought a glimmer of light into the shadows of Carlos's heart. He remembered the laughter they shared, the quiet moments of shared understanding, and he realized with a jolt that he was losing sight of the very love that had sustained him through his darkest hours.

With a renewed sense of purpose, he made a silent vow to fight for TK, for them, with every fiber of his being.

With newfound determination fueled by the depths of his love for TK, Carlos set his jaw and steeled himself for the battle ahead. The days and nights blended into each other, a never-ending cycle of vigilance and prayer, but Carlos refused to give in to the siren song of despair that whispered in the recesses of his mind.

His love was a fierce, unyielding force, a beacon of light in the oppressive darkness that threatened to engulf him, and he clung to it with a tenacity born of desperation and devotion.

And then, after what felt like an eternity, a miracle happened. The doctors delivered the long-awaited news of TK's recovery, of the slow but steady progress he was making.

The weight that had pressed down on Carlos's chest for so long lifted, and he felt a rush of emotion so powerful, it left him breathless. In that moment of relief and gratitude, as he clung to TK's hand with a ferocity that belied the fragility of life, Carlos knew that their love had weathered the storm, emerging stronger and more resilient than ever before.

In the quiet hum of the hospital room, surrounded by the steady beeps of machines and the faint glow of dawn seeping through the window, Carlos found peace, a deep-rooted sense of completion that settled in his soul like a long-missing piece of a puzzle.

"I thought I had lost you," he whispered, his voice raw with emotion, "but we made it. We're going to be okay." And in the circle of TK's arms, in the echo of his steady heartbeat, Carlos knew that they were truly, irrevocably, home.

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