7. cupcakes has to be shared.

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Anaisha is currently baking cupcakes with Anayra as she was stubborn that she wants to help too.

Yesterday when Anayra came back home with a toy car which was apparently gifted by Anayra's New friend then Anaisha decided that she had to thank him in some way or another. Anayra told her that her friend likes sweets so Anaisha is preparing cupcake.

"Darling, tell me more about you 'New friend'. What is his name?" Anaisha asked as she kept the tray of cupcakes in the oven.

"His name is pops. But some of his men also calls him Senior.. senior.." Anayra started remembering what was that other word but she wasn't able to remember it.

Anaisha chuckled and said, "It's okay sweetie, don't pressure yourself. You can ask him his name today when you go to give him this cupcake!" Anayra nodded excitedly.

At first Anaisha was really tensed about who this man is and what if Anayra gets in any problem but then Anayra's nanny - Rina told her that He's harmless. So Anaisha is at peace.

"Baby, let's go get you ready for your meeting with your pops." Anaisha says as they both went up to their room.


Anayra with an infectious smile, eagerly navigates her toy car towards the old man's villa. Accompanied by her nanny, Rina, she carries a delightful surprise - a homemade cupcakes for her pops.

Despite his gruff exterior and authoritative demeanor inherited from years spent as a stern businessman, there's something about this spirited little girl that awakens the dormant child within him.

As they enter the villa, the guard looked at the little girl and recognised her as he has seen her with Senior Malik many times in the park so he opened the gate for them.

Antonio was sitting in his garden, sipping his tea. Anayra drove her car to him.
"Oh hello, little princess. I didn't thought I would get to see you in my house so soon" Antonio's eyes brightens as he looked at the little girl. Anayra hop off her car and walked excitedly to her pops. Anayra proudly presents the cupcake to the old man.

"Well, well," chuckles the old man "It seems my gift has brought us together." Anayra giggles mischievously, her bright eyes sparkling with excitement. "Of course, Eat the cupcake and tell me how it is? You know I baked it with my mumma."

Antonio picked up a cupcake and took a bite, "mhmm it's so good kiddo. You did a good job." Anayra smiled proudly but her smile turned into cute glare at Antonio's next words. "Tell that to your mumma for me" with that Antonio laughed as he saw the little one's glare.

"Pops! Now we can race!" Antonio raises an eyebrow playfully. "Race?" The old man echoes, amusement dancing in his eyes. "And what would be the prize for such a competition, pray tell?". She hop on her little car again. Anayra grins impishly, her small hands gripping the steering wheel tightly.

"If I win, you have to let me drive your fancy car! And if you win," she adds with a hint of mischief, "you get another one of Mommy's yummy cupcakes!" The old man laughs heartily at the little girl's audacity. As the laughter subsides, the old man leans forward conspiratorially.

"Alright, Anayra," he says with a twinkle in his eye. "You're on! But first, we need to establish some ground rules for our race."

"What are they?" Anayra claps her hands excitedly at the prospect of setting guidelines for their friendly competition.
Anayra ponders for a moment, her little brow furrowed in concentration. "Okay, Pops! First rule: We both start at the same spot - right outside your villa door. Second rule: No cheating! And third rule: Winner gets to choose what game we play next time. Agreed?" The old man nods approvingly at Anayra's proposed rules, impressed by her astute sense of fair play. "Very well then, young lady," he agrees with a grin. "Let's shake on it!" As they seal their agreement with a solemn handshake, Rina watches from the sidelines, her face reflecting both amusement and concern for the unlikely duo. She knows all too well that these races might not always end smoothly due to Anayra's health condition. However, she also recognizes the joy and vitality that this friendship brings into the little girl's life - something worth cherishing amidst the challenges posed by aplastic anemia.

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