Chapter 5

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Arha POV

The second day dawns bright and clear. Today we will be officially starting on all our lessons, with a 101% seriousness. As I walk into the classroom, I find two of the boys already in class fighting over the only remaining locker in the last row. I don't know why boys obsess over the ones below.

"Isn't having a top row locker saving you all the bending and ducking ?" I ask as I enter the room.

Felis, suddenly aware of another person's presence, brushes his hand roughly through his hair as if it helps. Looks like, the first day at the dorms wasn't a peaceful night.

"Fyi Queen, I am tall enough that I need to bend even if it was the top row locker," boasts Adrian whose baggy eyes confirmed a sleepless night.

"You both look like you haven't had a second of sleep for who knows how many weeks, is the dorm bed that bad ?" I ask, not wanting to inflate on Adrian's already huge ego.

"Nah, we were just too excited and Adrian's mom called Coach Sanders a dozen times making sure 'her precious son's pillows were all aired, his clothes had enough space within the cupboards and he had unpacked all his 7 eye covers despite having only two eyes' " says Felis in an exaggerated tone.

I giggle ever so lightly not to further embarrass Adrian, whose cheeks were already redder than Grandma's Strawberries. Funny how he can go from being all goofy to shy with just a few words.

"Help me carry something from the floor above ?", I ask suddenly remembering the Lab manuals which were delivered just yesterday. Mrs.Ruby had asked me to bring them down from the store room and distribute it to everyone by today.

"Queen's orders are our command, and my muscles are yet to be fed with some admiration today", there he goes all goofy again.

I walk out through the door in the front, while they exit through the other one behind. Just as I was about to hop onto the staircase, I bump into someone climbing up from the ground floor. "Ouch! Sorry" I utter as I put some distance between us - Zaylen and me.

"Careful," Zaylen says as he takes a step backwards too.

"That's how royalties greet each other nowadays ?" Adrian coos from behind me.

Although I was supposed to be killing Adrian with daggers from my eyes right now, I couldn't help but chuckle at Zaylen's adorably lethal glare he was shooting at him.

"If you want to survive, Adrian..." I tease him as I start climbing the stairs.

"I dont fear the Alpha, But my muscles are so hungry..." he drags as he rushes past Zaylen.

I'm already half way up when I hear Felis informing Zaylen as to where we were headed. I turn to see Zaylen drop his backpack by the classroom's door and join Felis.

I open the store room's door and navigate through the shelves, and finally find the manuals stacked in the last shelf. I check the number of books, and then go to the battered old desk lying near the door to look for the register.

I fill in my name, date and the number of manuals we will be taking in the register. Although this register must be signed only by the staffs, I do all this work for usually most of them and thus I simply sign my name adding Mrs.Ruby's name in smaller letters below - that would do.

I lead Adrian, Felis and Zaylen to the last row, and point towards the book.

There are a total of 4 subject manuals, the Physics and Mathematics being bulkier ones. The school has ordered 35 manuals each. Adrian, eager to get his muscles to work, tries to lift all 35 of the Physics manuals. He is visibly struggling with the size and he starts walking awkwardly towards the front door with the book almost blocking his eyes.

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