Mother in Law

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I never liked my daughter-in-law. A modern woman. An interior designer. A career woman, whose mind is on her own work. From the first time I met her, I already knew that she would be troublesome. Mary was beautiful. Too beautiful, and she was proud of it. From the way she walked, I could tell that she was defiant and stubborn. She brought us some expensive wine. How rude! She was boasting her success in front of us. I didn't like her, but my son, seems so happy with her. I just couldn't say 'no' in front him.

Every since their marriage, I always thought that it would be over one day. My son always liked the idea of a big family, and a woman like that is not fit to be one. Of course I've told him several times about it, but he always said that she'd come around eventually. Surprisingly, she did. Turned out, she was weak-willed. After her first childbirth, amidst the tears and messy room, she decided to become a housewife.

I was elated. My husband and I taught her everything we knew about managing our household. She always patiently listened to us. I liked that side of her. She was radiant. Even though her clothes and hair are a mess, even though her skin is dry and her nails are short, she was beautiful. It went on for years. I was convinced that everything would be ok. Another one of my son's family is going to be a happy family. Another success for me.

Until she died. It was ridiculous. It was ruled as suicide. Apparently, she was having an argument about dinner with my son, when she suddenly jumped out of the window. What a villain. Not only did she ran away from her responsibilities, she also traumatized my son. Poor him. As the funeral procession went on, I can only look from the sideline as my son and grandsons weep in sadness. Even his youngest, Dennis, can't stop crying.

'Focus on your work. I'll take car of the kids,' I told him at the funeral.

Even though I was the one who offer my help, that doesn't mean that I liked doing it. I love my grandsons, but the house really gives me the creep. As I step inside their fence, my stomach churns. A strange smell enters my nostrils. Incense. My son's wife used to light up three incense sticks and pray in front of the house everyday. She put a pot of dirt near the fence and sticked those incense there everyday. It's for protection, she said. Bogus. I never lit an incense in 79 years and everything is fine. She burns them everyday and still kills herself. What a laugh.

'Grandma!' The three boys run down the stairs to greet me as I enter the front door,

'There's my little boys!' I open my arms as they flock onto my arms.

'Thanks for stopping by, Mom!' Arthur, with the little baby in his arm, kisses my cheek. 'I really don't know what to do without you.'

'It's nothing, dear,' I scoop little Dennis and hold him in my arms. 'Run along now, you wouldn't want to be late, would you?'

'Of course not!' He takes his car keys. 'Let's go, boys!'

My new routine starts with cleaning the house. I start with the kitchen, which is full of dirty pans and dishes. Shaking my head, I put Dennis down and roll up my sleeves. Such untidy boys! Just how the hell did the woman teach her sons! The more I clean the house, the more I resent the woman. The boys can't clean up after themselves! They leave out their dirty rooms and dishes! I have never seen such laziness! I have eight children and they all know how to clean up after themselves.

The day is not getting easier. Dennis often cries as I was cleaning the house. Then, before I knew it, the boys have come home. The house turns rowdy. I make dinner, do the laundry, and finishes up. The moment I'm done, the moon has been up for hours. That's why I decided that I would be taking the rein.

'Everything will be different today!' I declare as they eat their breakfast. 'From now on, you'll be cleaning your own room.'

'Huuuh?' Chorus of displease erupts in the dining table.

'I can't do that! I've got practice!' Orion protests. 

'Sure you can. Make the bed, vacuum the floor, and wipe the desk.' I plate another stack of pancakes, 'If you tidy up right after you use them, it would be easier later.'

'Ugh!' He rolls his eyes as he put his dirty dishes on the sink. 'I'm taking the bus.'

'Grandma, are you sick?' Leon asks me.

'No? Why?'

'Well....father told us that unless she's seriously ill, Mom can always tidy up our room.' He shoves a spoonful of pancakes into his mouth. 'Thank God you're ok!'

'Of course she should!' I turn off the stove. 'But Grandma is old now. Grandma can't clean every inch of the house by herself.'

'Grandma!' Justin lifts his plate. 'More syrup!'

'The syrup is right there.' I point it out. 'Pick it up by yourself!'

I thought I;ve made good progress, but I didn't. Everything seems ok for the first few days, until I check the bedrooms. Their rooms are a mess. No one but Leon has clean up their own bedrooms. Even Arthur hasn't been cleaning his. Leon isn't doing a good job either. His blanket is still crinkled, the desk still dusty, and he doesn't even stack his clothes right.

'WAAAAAAAA' Dennis cries as I think about what I should do.

'Shh....Grandma's here...' I secure him in my arms as he cries.

I can't do this anymore.

'I'm hiring a maid' That is the first thing I tell my son when he comes home.

'Why? You're doing so well!'

'No I'm not Arthur!' I sigh in frustration, 'Every day, I got up, thinking why do this house has to be so big?! Why do you boys eat so damn much?! Why won't you listen to me?! I tried to share the housework, but do any of you did it?! NO! Only Leon did it and he sucks at it!'

'Oh please, Mom. You always told me how you single-handedly raise all 8 of us while working.'

'That was years ago, Arthur! I'm almost 80 now! EIGHTY!'

'WAAAAAAAAAA' I can hear Dennis' wail in the next room.


'No more buts! I'm calling a maid tomorrow and you're not going to complain about it.'

Stupid son. How can he force an elderly woman to raise his kids and clean the house everyday. My husband wouldn't have done this. He's a true gentleman. He always asks me about how I was feeling. He always offered me some help. I was really blessed by his presence. My heart sinks at the thought of him. Why did he have to die first? 

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