Diary entry #4

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Captain Amadou's Log: Year 711 of the Hegira

Entry the Fourth 

 The day greeted us with a gentle breeze as we set out to the river's edge, our spirits high with the promise of a bountiful catch. The river, which had become both our sustenance and our solace, sparkled under the morning sun, its surface a mosaic of light and shadow.With nets and lines in hand, we cast our hopes into the flowing waters, eager for the pull of a fish, the weight of a meal yet to come. Laughter and chatter filled the air, a rare sound of ease in this untamed land.But as the first catch drew near, a sudden frenzy erupted beneath the surface. The water churned violently, and from the depths emerged a school of creatures, their teeth bared like daggers, their appetites voracious Samakat al-birana, the men shouted in fear, they were a threat unknown to our minds.We reeled back in shock, our hearts pounding with a mix of fear and fascination. These were no ordinary fish; they were predators, swift and merciless. Yet, as we watched them tear apart our catch with ruthless efficiency, we understood that this river was not ours alone. It was a shared realm, where life and death danced in a delicate balance.The women, wise as always, called for a retreat, not out of cowardice, but out of respect for the natural order we had yet to comprehend. We gathered our nets, our empty hands a stark reminder of our place in this new world.As the sun sets, casting long shadows over the water, we sit by the fire, mending our nets and mending our pride. We have much to learn about the Aminata and her inhabitants, each lesson a step towards coexistence.May Allah grant us the wisdom to understand these creatures and the patience to find our way in this land. We are strangers here, but with each passing day, we weave ourselves into the fabric of this world, thread by thread, story by story.

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