Chapter 9: Shelter

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We finally reach the house we stayed at last night. We lost the zombies after miles of running. I sit on the ground for a minute. We're all tired and drenched from the rain. Jake hands me a bottle of water.

"Thanks," I say. Lisa is sleeping in Elizabeth's arm.

"If Lisa turns, you know what we have to do," I say. 

"She'll be fine," Elizabeth says. I stand up.

"Even if she is immune, you still need to be careful. Those things could have ripped her apart," I say.

"Just stop it!" Elizabeth yells.

Lisa wakes up. She walks over to the side of the house. She leans against it. She throws up. It's the same black color that Jack and Iris had thrown up before they turned.

"That's not good," I say. Lisa sways then falls over. Elizabeth picks her up. We go inside. Elizabeth lays Lisa on the couch.

"We need to do something about Lisa," I say.

"Jade! Just stop! You don't know anything about this! You don't know how this virus works," Elizabeth says.

"Yes, I do! I lost both my friends to this virus. Don't say I know nothing about it when I've seen what it could do!" I yell.

"Don't tell me what to do with my cousin," Elizabeth says.

"Think about the kids. Your putting everyone in here at risk! At least, lock Lisa in one of the other rooms," I say.

"Let's just see how it plays out."

"No! This isn't like the flu. You can't get over it, if your not immune. Once you show symptoms, that's it. Your bound to turn," I say.

"Just give it time, please," Elizabeth says.
Lisa groans and walks over to a bucket. She throws up again.

I grab my backpack. I look through it. I see a picture of Jack and Iris. They look so happy. I don't want to see someone else turn. It was painful enough once, but three times? I can't handle that. Not again.

The kids eat some food. Jenny and Hannah are crying. Lisa is sweating. Elizabeth gets up and sits with her.

"I'm Susan. My husband is Henry," Elizabeth's mother says.

"I'm Jade," I say. I'm afraid Lisa is going to turn and bite Elizabeth. Lisa's crying. Elizabeth gets up.

"She wants every single second she can get. Let's just wait it out," Elizabeth says.

"I understand, but when the time does come, please do what's best for all of us," I say.

"I will," she says.

She gets Lisa some water and comes back to the table. Alex and Jack stare at Lisa. Their scared, too. Lisa throws up in the bucket again. It's taking longer than usual for Lisa to turn but it will happen eventually.

"I...I can't watch my niece die. Let me say goodbye then me and Henry will go in the other room," Susan says.

Susan and Henry hug Lisa and say goodbye before going into one of the bedrooms. We all sit here, waiting. 

After a few minutes, Lisa rolls off the couch. Elizabeth starts walking towards her. I put my arm in front of Elizabeth to block her. 

"Stop. Let me check on her," I say. I go over to Lisa while Elizabeth hangs back. I nudge Lisa with my foot. She doesn't respond. She then growls and starts crawling towards me. She turned. I back up.

"Get the kids out of here!" I say. Elizabeth brings all the kids into the other room. I grab Lisa's foot and drag her outside. I shoot her and come back in. Elizabeth is on the floor crying.
"I'm...I'm sorry." I say.

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