Chapter 8: Unraveling the Threads

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Detective Lila Thompson stepped into the dimly lit basement of Eldenwood High School, her flashlight casting eerie shadows along the walls. She was there to question Marcus Greene, the school's janitor, who had been acting increasingly suspicious. The echoes of her footsteps bounced off the concrete as she approached Marcus's small office at the end of the corridor.

 The echoes of her footsteps bounced off the concrete as she approached Marcus's small office at the end of the corridor

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Marcus was hunched over a pile of cleaning supplies when Lila entered. He looked up, startled, his eyes darting toward the door.

"Marcus, I need to ask you some questions," Lila said, keeping her tone calm but firm. "It's about the night Mr. Barrett was murdered."

Marcus shifted uncomfortably. "I already told you, Detective, I didn't see anything. I was cleaning the gym."

"Yes, but you mentioned hearing a noise in the hallway," Lila replied, watching his reaction. "Can you tell me more about that? Did you see anyone else in the building?"

"No," Marcus said, his voice shaky. "Just some noise, like a door closing. I didn't think much of it."

Lila knew Marcus was holding back. His nervousness suggested he might know more than he was letting on. As he continued to speak, she glanced around the small office, noticing a stack of papers hidden behind a pile of cleaning rags. It looked out of place.

"What's that?" she asked, pointing to the papers.

"Oh, those? Just some old invoices," Marcus replied, his voice too quick.

Lila carefully moved the rags aside and found a fragment of a folder—part of the missing folder from Mr. Barrett's desk. It contained a few sheets of paper with cryptic notes and references to financial transactions involving the school.

 It contained a few sheets of paper with cryptic notes and references to financial transactions involving the school

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She quickly gathered the papers and stepped back, her instincts telling her she was onto something significant.

"Thanks for your time, Marcus," Lila said, heading for the door. "We'll be in touch."

Back at the police station, Lila and Officer Ben Price spread the papers on her desk, examining the cryptic notes. They mentioned financial irregularities, with references to hidden kickbacks and misappropriated funds. Some of the names listed in the notes were familiar—Mayor Harriet Dawson and a few other influential figures in the town.

"This is big," Ben said, his eyes widening as he read the notes. "If Mr. Barrett was looking into this, it's no wonder someone wanted him silenced."

Lila nodded, her mind racing with possibilities. The missing folder's fragment suggested a broader conspiracy, and the involvement of the mayor made the investigation even more complex. She knew they needed to proceed cautiously, given Harriet's political influence and connections.

As Lila continued her analysis, she received an anonymous message on her phone: "Back off, or you'll regret it." The threat was clear, reinforcing the danger surrounding the investigation. She showed the message to Ben, who shared her concern.

"We can't back off now," Lila said, her voice resolute. "We need to confront Harriet Dawson with what we've found."

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