4: Uneasy Lies the Crown

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"First impressions can be deceiving " - Anonymous

                MADISON SMITH

The cacophony of the lunchroom faded into a full roar as my gaze settled on the cafeteria doors. Brooke and Courtney, my ever-present shadows, were dissecting some sophomore's fashion disaster, their whispers punctuated by giggles.

"She looked a hot ass mess. But I mean, come on, it's Marietta Collins for christ sake." Courtney giggled, her voice a stage whisper.

Brooke snorted, her eyes narrowed on the poor unfortunate soul across the lunchroom. "Seriously. She has no fashion sense."

I offered the occasional nod, but my attention was snagged by the girl who just walked in...the new girl. I could tell she was different. It wasn't her cheap looking clothes - simple jeans and a t-shirt - or her hair, pulled back in a low ponytail. It was the way she held herself, a quiet confidence that most girls in this school tried way to hard to achieve. And she wasn't even trying.

"Ugh, there's Katie whore hall," Skylar muttered beside me, her voice thick with distain. "Wonder who she's trying to get sympathy from today."

My gaze followed Skylar's to where Katie, the resident nobody herself, was holding court at her usual table, her expression coked out as usual.

"Honestly, it's like she wants attention," I muttered, stabbing a carrot with unnecessary force.

"Right," Skylar leaned closer, her eyes gleaming with malicious curiosity. "Showing up here after... everything."

"Maybe she's trying to intimidate you," piqued up Tatum, always eager  to stir the pot. "You know, with the whole staring thing."

I scoffed, tossing my hair over my shoulder. "As if. Katie Wood Hall couldn't intimidate a fly." Katie was yesterday's news, a has-been. I was the one with great success, while she remained in my shadow.

Still, I couldn't help but glance across the cafeteria, towards the table where the new girl sat, deep in conversation with that weirdo Jaliyah. They were laughing now, Jaliyah gesturing animatedly with her fork. Were they talking about me? About Katie?

A surge of irritation, hot and sharp, coursing through me. I hated the feeling like I wasn't in control, hated the way those two were looking at each other, like they shared some secret joke at my expense.

Well, two could play that game. I wasn't about to let some new girl's arrival disrupt the carefully curated world I'd built for myself. I wouldn't let that happen. Not without a fight.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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