Feed My Frankenstein: Entries and Judges

51 9 10

Oh yes, there will be blood

~Saw II

Dear Judges:

Remember our deal about me voting on all chapters and reading some of your book? Put the name of the book you'd like me to vote on right here

It is mandatory for participants to follow their judges. However you won't be forced to read their books, it would be a really nice gesture to do, especially since they will be spending their time to analyse and write out feedback on not only your book, but the books of four other participants. That's alot of work. 

Judge one: Sulkyta

1. Bitten by VCNNovels
2. His queen by Lily_writesss
3. Bloody Family by jayrob96
4. Wings of light by NxnsxgnorsDxmon
5. Cassandra de Ville by lupe6583v

Judge two:
My brother, Asher

1. More than fate by SunsetMercer
2. Mystique Well by kt_the_writer
3. Cataract of Delusion by new_erasktaylor
4. The gathering Dark by Aravis-Brightspell
5. Valiant Dame Series 1: Substantiate Innocence by Itim_na_pluma

If i got anything wrong, please let me know here

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