Let's Be Friends

19 2 14

We emerge from the lazy river, Jace carrying Ori in his arms. Ori's giggling with delight at being carried by Jace.

So cute! I beam at them. "Follow me, handsome guys. To the gentle wave pool."

We go past the stand that sells slushies and fast food. There's the larger than life puppy mascot standing beside it. 

I point at the puppy mascot. "Look, Ori. A puppy! Can you say puppy?"

Ori gurgles.

"How are the water flumes here?" Asks Jace. "What's the most intense one?"

"There's the tall purple one which is like a tube with jets of water at the top," I say. "I don't like that sort of thing. Much too loud with all the rushing water in the tube. I prefer the slow one that's like a gentle slide."

"You make the purple one sound cool!" Says Jace. "See you in a bit."

"Oh, OK. Ori and I'll wait in the water for you."

He sets off up the stairs to the purple water chute while I sit in the shallows while Ori bobs about like a cork in the bubbly water in front of me.

"Will Jace trust me and let me be his shoulder to cry on?" I ask my little son. "What d'you think, chubby wubby cheeks?" I touch my hands to either side of his chubby cheeks to emphasise the point.

Ori smiles his gummy little smile.

"You think there's hope? I knew I could rely on you!" I pick Ori up and touch our noses together. He giggles.

I sigh and point at the slushy stand. "Mummy hasn't told Jace that she couldn't get a job there. They won't employ a girl with an inked face. Silly mummy. She can't even afford a slushy. What're we going to do? I need to pull my weight and help Granny."

"Mmmm!" says Ori.

Maybe he's trying to say his first word.

"Mama! Say Mama!" I urge. "Call me Mama." I point at myself. "I'm your Mama."

A lady in a large salmon pink bathing costume comes wading up to us. "Young lady, you are not allowed to wear face paint in the pool."

I look up at her. "This ain't face paint. This is ink!"

The lady shakes her head. "Disgraceful. What sort of example are you setting for your child?"

It's the suggestion that I'm a bad mother that hits me like a punch to the gut. I just stare up at her, my mouth hanging slightly open. When Jace comes flying down the purple chute and wades up to me I'm sniffling and cuddling a cooing Orion for comfort.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

He puts his strong arms around both of us. Orion squeals in delight and I press my face against Jace's shoulder. His muscles are firm and his skin is soft and velvety.

"S-Someone said I'm a bad mum," I say between sobs. "It's cos of my face."

Jace puts a finger under my chin so I'm looking up at him. I stare into his sky blue eyes, my gaze anchored by his freckled face... I wish I had a face full of freckles instead of this awful tattoo.

"There's nothing wrong with your face," says Jace.

I swallow cos there's a lump in my throat. "My face is the reason I can't even get a job as a waitress."

Oops. Now my boobs are leaking. I take a step back, Ori in my arms. "I'm having a bit of a problem...  I'm secreting something..."

Great. I just made me sound gross.

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