Flash of the Unknown

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While we tried to calm down from realizing we were trapped. We started to hear a scratching. It sounded like claws on metal.

This was not a good sign. I didn't consider critters into the equation when I signed up for this adventure.

Sarah broke the silence.

"We need to get the hell out of here. Like now."

We were in total agreement but where? And how?

The scratching grew louder, accompanied by a slight bump. I was thoroughly freaked out by this point.

I really hoped it was just fat, gross rats and not something more sinister. My heart pounded in my chest. Sarah grabbed my hand in the dark, her hand just as sweaty as mine.

"We're going to have to move deeper into the building and see if there's another way out. We are sitting ducks right now."

I said in a squeaky voice.

Because we don't know what is causing the sound we move slowly and feel our way through the darkened building.

The scratching is only getting louder.

Suddenly Sarah lets out a scream that causes us to pause.

"Something just touched my leg" she yelps.

We all freeze in terror. And just like that the scratching has stopped.

It is suddenly so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. I can hear my blood rushing through my body.

That's when the whispering starts. It sounds like it's coming from all around us.

It's so faint we can't make out what it is saying. But it's scary enough to get us all completely freaked out.

We move all closer together enjoying the fact that at least we are together in this.

Suddenly there's a flash of light that causes us all to blink and let our eyes try to adjust after this sudden bright light.

Once my eyes cleared, I saw what made my blood turn cold. A dark figure at the end of the hallway. Just standing there staring at us.

I couldn't make out its face, but it looked like it was holding a weapon.

This night was just getting worse. And none of us knew what we were going to do next.

I was so sure we were dead meat, but I tried to remain optimistic. Maybe it was a cop? Perhaps someone heard us making too much noise and decided to call the law.

The figure then starts moving towards us and it's clear that it's not a cop. Unless cops have suddenly started wearing all black. Or using a hood that can conceal their faces.

The weapon now looked to be a knife. Which doesn't help set us at ease at all.

This was just great. We were trapped with an intruder with nothing to defend ourselves with and no plan.

The man just came coming closer and now I could make out his eyes. They were sad, dark, and empty.

Then he spoke. "You should not have back here. This is a cursed place. Those who enter can never leave again."

Well, that is just great. We are now stuck here with this man with no way out. And naturally, none of us told our respective spouses where we were going.

Just then he raised his knife, and we brace ourselves thinking the worst is going to happen.

Then he suddenly turned and took off like a bat out of hell down the hallway.

We were confused and unsure of what to do next. This was a first for all of us and I wasn't sure we were equipped to deal with whatever lay ahead at this point.

It was then that we knew we had to hustle if we wanted to make it out relatively unscathed. 

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