Second chance

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The world was in a state of turmoil. With the rising tensions between world powers, the threat of war was looming. In an attempt to gain control over the situation, the government launched a top-secret project codenamed "CODE 66." Its aim was to create a special army of killing machines, soldiers who were fearless, ruthless, and deadly, capable of carrying out any orders without question.

The children who were selected for the program had their memories wiped clean, and their personalities completely re-coded. They were trained to follow orders without hesitation, and to kill with no mercy or remorse. As they grew older, some of them began to exhibit strange abilities, with physicality beyond those of mere humans. They were given new identities and codenames, becoming deajunwan demons, and operating under the cover of darkness.

One demon rose above the rest, a being who was feared even among his fellow deajunwan. He was the pinnacle of killers, a being who was known only by the name GHOST, And he was not just a terrifying and dominant demon, but also a man. A man who had been through hell and back, who had experienced the worst of humanity, and had risen above it all.

In an alley there was blood sprayed everywhere, corpses laying on the ground with bullets in thier heads, and in midst of it all there was a survivor who was crawling and trying to survive.

The man's mind was spinning as he looked around at the scene of carnage around him. He was injured and bleeding heavily, but he dared not stop to treat his wounds. The sound was deafeningly silent, the only sound being the man's heavy and labored breaths as he crawled away from the bodies around him. He tried to speak, his words coming out in a panic-induced tangle, "What the hell is going on? What did I do to deserve this?"

Just then, a figure appeared from the shadows, their figure hidden by a large umbrella. The figure was dressed in a black suit, but the man couldn't make out their face. The stranger's voice was low and cold as they spoke, "You were put on the list. From the moment you were on the list, your fate was sealed."

The man froze in terror at the stranger's words, his body trembling uncontrollably as he realized that he was facing an assassin. He held up his hands in a vain attempt to defend himself, but it was no use. The stranger drew their gun and pointed it at the man's head.

"I'm sorry," the man pleaded, his voice shaking with fear. "I didn't mean it, I really didn't. Please, I just want to live."

But the stranger was cold and unfeeling, the sound of the gun going off echoing through the night as the man's life came to an end.

The figure disappeared into the night, leaving the scene of carnage and destruction behind. It seemed as though it had never happened, as a group of people quickly arrived to clean up the mess. But there was a sense of darkness in the air, a lingering sense of dread that permeated everything.

As the figure walked away, a van pulled up beside them, and a man in a suit handed him a file. "Your next target, Ghost," the man said in a low tone. The figure glanced at the file and nodded. "Interesting," they said, before walking away.

The man in the van let out a deep breath. "Jesus Christ, I was about to pass myself there," he said, still shaken from the encounter.

The driver nodded, keeping his composure. "I felt it too, sir," he said. "No man can have such a terrifying aura."

The man in the van shook his head. "I almost felt like i was in the presence of a death," he said. "He's leagues above those guys."

The two men in the van fell into silence as they processed what they had just witnessed. Even though they had just seen the aftermath of the carnage, the sense of dread and fear created by the figure's presence still hung heavy in the air.

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