The Overlord Sums it Up

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Welcome to Seven Wonders Park! A place of magic and mayhem!

The Haunt Season began last weekend, and what an exciting few days it was!

Autumn Redfair joined our troupe - a new yellowshirt whose blue-streaked hair says she has a mysterious link to our park. On her first night, she helped send Keith Binder, the Meatgrinder, to his punishment, and assisted Old Man Mueller's yellowshirt manager Bryan in reviving a murdered park patron.

Thing seemed to be going well for Autumn, until her second night. She unwittingly Nurse Mary behind infamous Rick Rickshaw's only to have the poor screamster disappear... but Autumn made a new friend in Kelsie Conrad, also known as Gallows Trixie of the Badlands.

A grotesque ghost codenamed "Snapper" menaced the park. That thing bit the thumb off makeup director Jackie. Promising makeup artist Delilah encountered Snapper at a makeup station and decided to help the poor ghost into some pretty new teeth and hair. Meanwhile, Kelsie Conrad joined the park-wide search for Snapper and found Snapper and Delilah together. The three had a little time to get acquainted before the park's mercenary Blood Pack descended to take Snapper into custody.

Screamster Curtis Jams received a strange message while working in Ghosts of London. His Ouija Board beckoned him to "come visit me beyond the swans." However, Curtis's boss warned him never to go there. Will Curtis listen? We doubt this young lover of games can resist such a temptation.

Pickpocket Julie poked into the wrong room and finally got her comeuppance, as her attempt to steal resulted in a drastic termination.

And finally, we heard a tale of a man called Barry Angel. Three years ago, this odd private eye looked a little too hard into the workings of our park, and as a result, he received a visit that he'll never forget – even if he was supposed to.

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