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1. Kala, is for you.

Once upon a time, in Terratalia, Fleur lives with her sister and the king and queen. She is the eldest and the queen Lucy raised her as a strong and independent woman who with time will become Princess of Terratalia. 21 years have passed, and she needs to find a husband but all the suitors are not qualified according to her.

Too old, too young, too smart, too silly, too strapping or too thin, too blonde, too brunette, and so on; it is a headache for the royal family.

But little did she know that her younger sister finds it easy, she has dated 5 guys with her 17-year-old, and she is convinced is going to marry the last and current one, Duque Maximus.

While Fleur is buying new dresses and books in the town, she hears her sister's scream and finds her on the ground, she is being booed almost naked next to her lover. Fleur covers and helps her but someone yells that she profanes her own body, "She needs to leave, go far away from this place", Fleur doesn't understand what is happening right now, she just takes her sister and brings her inside the castle with the guards. There is a crowd following them, the king is really mad and when he gets to Kala, he slaps her. "Father!" is what Fleur can only say and interpose.

"How could you do something like that to us? We are not just a simple and classic family, we are royalty, bloody hell"

Kala, cries and cries, saying how sorry she is, but Fleur still doesn't get it, "what is wrong?", at the moment the queen approaches her, and explains quietly " Your sister has had an intimate relationship with a man without having married in broad daylight, it seems that is was a trap according to our sources."

Fleur knowing that, gets Kala in her arms to hug her "Everything is going to be okay"


Fleur cannot believe it, "That is the most not okay solution, we need another option, my little sister will not leave this place, I will go with her to the end of the world"

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!" the king continues yelling

"Your duty is here, whether you leave they are going to kick us out, and if I renounce to the crown I have to leave an heir or they might kill me, you know that, you know that Fleur"

At that moment Fleur thinks of another alternative "I will marry him"

"What?" said all three.

"I'll do, I will do anything for my sister if you are talking about duty and law, I will marry him and will give you an heir, and then I will leave him, if you want to come as you can, or you can live under someone's castle"

"Fleur, you cannot marry him, he is an evil man, look what he did to me" says Kala.

"Sorry sister, I have to and I will", Fleur leaves the room to go to make the tower announcement.

On the balcony alone, she starts to cry with her breaking voice, informing that she is going to marry Duque Maximus first thing in the morning, they are going to give them an heir and after that, her family and she will leave the castle together. The crowd maintenance relief and shout in approbement.

Later, Kala knocks at Fleur's room, "get inside", she says. Kala hugs her and they start crying again, Kala sees a letter in the hands of Fleur, "What is that?".

Fleur sees it and hides it at first but then gives it to her.

Kala is in shock at what she reads:

my sweet Fleur, I cannot imagine what is happening

I also could not watch you break my heart from your balcony

I just want to let you know that you were always the one

and despite my mind, I still think you can be mine.

2. Deathday of my heart on my birthday.

Melody has given up on seeking her a happy life, she knows she is not quite lucky for all the things that happened to her. But one of the good things in her life is her best friend, Frederick, he is completely the opposite of her, he is light and hasn't been through a lot as her, they met at high school and since then they have started love each other. But we can say he was loving her way more than her.

One day on his birthday he decides to tell her the truth about his feelings, she had agreed to have a picnic behind the Hollywood sign, but before they get there, on the way, he tries to give her signals of what is going to happen. "I think is going to be a special birthday today" he comments. "Like all your birthdays before" she answers, "I don't know why people find it so special, is a normal day, you are already born, and I wouldn't like a reminder of that so often" she continues, "hahaha so often? it's once in a year," he says laughing, and she does it too. "But you know that I would give you not a day in a year, but all the days will make it special for you" he adds. "I know Fred, that's why you are such a fool" answers laughing."If a fool wants to make you happy, then I'm the biggest fool in the world, haha.", "be quiet, you will embarrass me," she says softly but they are smiling at each other. When they get there, they start to prepare the blanket, adding bottles of wine, biscuits, lots of cheese and a delicious chocolate cake, he also takes out a rose with a note wrapped and places it next to him, Melody sees it but didn't say anything, she starts eating all the food and plays so music at the radio, Frederick joins her and both of them are watching the sunset above the city of Los Angeles, "One of the things that impressive so much is the beauty of this view" says Melody watching at the sky and feeling accompanied when Fred adds an "it's because it's gorgeous", but little does she know that he is not watching the sky, he is watching her.

He takes courage and calls her, " Mel, I have something for you", she is afraid to turn to him, she knows, she doesn't want to know, "what is it" says without looking at him, "Melody, just open it," he says passing her the rose. "Don't make any jokes, 'cause I'm going to kick your ass" she comments. "Just open it" he insists, carefully she reads the note:

The sunset is magnificent as this view,

It really is bright and I am not talking about the sky,

just want to let you know that I want us to be one,

can I be more than a friend? is the question that I have,

let me know at the end of the day, so you can imagine me like that.

she is surprised, and almost cries, the poetry is amazing and her friend just opens his heart. She only nods her head and he takes this as a sign, hugs her feeling relief that she says yes, to finally kisses her and adds a little "I love you" at the end.

After the happy moment, they spent the whole day together, holding hands, and sharing jokes almost normally, but Melody wasn't so okay. Now they return home, they live on the same street, it's almost midnight, and she starts to cry, in front of her home with him, inconsolably, he is worried, "What is wrong?, what happened? Are you hurt?", he says. "I didn't know I had a heart until it hurts, and it's hurting so much," she says and falls to the ground. He is still worried "Do you want me to call an ambulance?" he adds. "No, no, at least not for me" she says " I didn't want to tell you this on your birthday, but I am not enough for you, and I never will be, i cannot be with someone so amazing as you" she continues. "Melody, stop" he interrupts."no, I know you don't see it like that, but it's true, I cannot love you as you do, I cannot give you the life you want" she adds. He says "So why did you tell me yes before? This is mean, you are being mean". " It was your birthday I couldn't have done this to you on your birthday, and I am mean, I cannot handle it" Her voice is breaking and he adds "No, you are not, stop it" Then he asks "so if it hadn't been my birthday, you would have said no?" she quickly answers "yes", after that there is a long silence, he is crying now but he is mad. " Thank you, thanks for being honest now, thanks for being who you are but what I am most grateful for is for giving me the best present of having a day with you as mine" says and leaves. Melody starts to cry, she knows it, she knows that those words can sound so kind but very deep he is hating her and hurting because of her.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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