Defying an Overlord

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(Author's Note: Finally, done with this chapter! Warning: Contains poorly described fight scenes and some non-consensual and abusive scenes. I don't own any of the pics or videos, you'll see in this chapter.)


"Thinking/ Speaking a different language"


(Y/N's POV)

Since that night, Angel's behavior has improved. He hasn't been as flirty with Husk and they've been getting along well. He still makes some sexual remarks, but overall, he's doing better. He hasn't been going out for his job much lately because Valentino hasn't been calling him, but Angel doesn't seem to mind. Charlie suggested he had actually considered letting Angel spend more time at the hotel, but I wasn't so sure about that. Right now, I had other things to do as I just walked out of the store with a bag full of supplies for the hotel. Charlie asked if I could pick up a few things, and I happily obliged.

Y/N: Alright, that should be everything.

As I walked back to the hotel, I checked my list to make sure I had everything. However, I started to feel suspicious that someone was following me. I didn't want to lead them to the hotel in case they were up to no good, so I decided to take a detour down the next alleyway to avoid drawing any attention. Once I was sure I was alone, I dropped my bag and turned to face whoever was following me.

Y/N: Can I help you?

I found myself facing two demons blocking the way I came.

Demon 1: Yeah, Our boss wants you. So you're coming with us.

Y/N: *cross arms* And if I refuse?

Demon 2: You don't have a choice.

Y/N: Well, I still refuse. Now can you please leave me alone? I need to get back to the hotel.

But instead of answering, they instead brought out their weapons. One had a wooden bat and the other a pair of brass knuckles. I then let out an annoyed sigh.

Y/N: Why is it always the hard way?

#1 came at me with the bat and tried to get some swings in, but dodged each swing until I found an opening and then struck him on the side, staggering him. I then switched to offensive and struck him a few times causing him to drop the bat, afterward I grabbed him and tossed him to the nearby wall. #2 soon rushed in and swung his fist at me. I weaved around his punches before catching one of his wrists then pulled him in to deliver an elbow to the face. He reeled back but I didn't give him time to recover and gave #2 a classic jab, hook, uppercut combo. As I watched him fall to the ground, I didn't notice #1 recover and couldn't act quickly enough. He then caught me in a full nelson.

Demon 1: Got you now you cocky punk!

I struggled to get out of his hold, but he had a good hold on me. #2 soon got back up and seeing how I was being detained, didn't waste time to seize the opportunity. He picked up the bat that #1 dropped and was about to hit me with it. I had to think fast, so in a last-ditch effort, I headbutted #1 as hard as I could.

Demon 1: Arrgh! Son of a Bitch!

He let go of me and held his face in pain. At the last second, I ducked from #2's swing, causing him to hit #1 instead, knocking him out. #2 was shocked when he realized what he had done. He then turned to me with a glare and tried to hit me again. I had just about enough of this and caught the bat in my hands. I then ignited my black flame, burning the weapon to ashes. #2 was surprised by my ability and was too distracted when I socked him in the face. He fell to the ground groaning before I picked him up and pinned him to the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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