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Once upon a time there was a girl named Cassie. Cassie was like a leaf in a garden full of roses. Nobody noticed her in the crowd. She tried her entire childhood to reach the goal but there was always someone who did it better.

Cassie was a friend to everyone, but a friend to no one. She used to be liked by everyone. She always helped, always heard out everybody's problems. But a person can be lonely even if he is among people. The only person who did not like Cassie was Cassie. It was not about her appearance or any other thing you would think of. She did not like her brain. The brain which was telling her to act perfect and to be perfect.

Cassie was really mature since a very young age. She learnt very fast that there are only two people in this world- the backstabers who reach the destination and the other half which is being stabbed because they were helping their backstabber. Although she always knew she is going to be stabbed to her back, deep down she believed that it would be different this time.

Time went so fast and Cassie was growing up. Hurted so many times, she was not suprised, just mad. She was mad at the whole world. She went from trying to be perfect to an another extreme. She started to let things go. Through the years she discoverd an another world. The better world. In this world you were a different person. The world was spinning around you, not you with it. She just closed her eyes and dreamed.

The goals she could reach in her real life were already reached in her little world. She was just a dreamer who dreamed her life away. If something bad happened in her real life she went away in her thoughts. She did not expect anything from her life.

"You have so much to do and I have got nothing ahead of me," said Cassie to Sadie, the better version of her inside her head.

"Why Cass? " asked Sadie.

"I stopped believing in joy in my life. I enjoy others happines and I find comfort in my sadness. I know my close ones care about me but only because they just see what they want to see. "

Year lasted like one month, one month lasted like one week, one week lasted like one day, one day lasted like one hour.

She was not a kid anymore. But the more older she was she acted more imature on the outside, but deep down she knew she still cared. The two personalities in her head were non-stop fighting. Maybe she was the problem. Maybe others were. She did not know.

"Maybe if I did not grow up so fast," said Cassie one day.

"'Maybe' is a nice thought but it will not change anything. " responded Sadie, "you spent so many days in your life being awake in the middle of the night thinking 'what if ...' Did it change anything? "

"No," aswered Cassie with her eyes down.

"You try your entire life to run away from the reality into your thoughts. You hope it will make the reality better. But it never does and it never will."

"JUST STOP," said Cassie and Sadie disappeared.

Cass used to use her imagination to escape the reality. But her other world started to get even worse. Sadie was just a voice but it was still Cassie's. Sadie said the exact same things which Cassie thought about herself in reality. You can try so hard to let go, but you only lie to yourself.

Cassie put her walkman on and went out. The sun was slowly fading down and the moon was on the scene.

"People alwas admire the moon and do not even see the stars. And there is so plenty of them. They notice them only when they burn out, " thought Cassie to herself.

"You can spent the whole night looking for the answers in the endless sky but you will never find them. It is like a cloud. It can seem so clear but it will start to rain unexpectely," said Sadie.

"But it needs to rain sometimes, if we want to survive. The unexpect things happen. But would it be better without them or not? " stood up Cassie.

This moment did not make Casie's life happier or filler. But she realized something. You are the poet of your life, your life is just the poem. Yes, the author has a lot of unexpected trammels but it makes the poetry better.

Once upon a time there was a girl named Cassie. Cassie was like a weedery in a garden full of roses. She knew she will never be the celebrated rose, but the weedery which always find a way to survive.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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