Chapter 1 : Alone

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The bottle looks ever so tempting, what harm could another sip do to this already sinking ship? I've sought out guidance, I've sought out dignity, in return I've only gathered self pity and the overwhelming feeling of self loathing washing over me, dripping as thick as blood. My head aches, as my heart grows weary, I am truly alone, sadly the only friend I see comes from the bottom of the bottle I drink.

I'll waste away in the dim sunlight, as if a vampire baring witness to the morning dew on my porcelain flesh. I walk through the valley of shadows and death, for I fear no evil as I am become death, destroyer of my own world. No saintly sermon could undo what I have done, these hands lay red and barren with blood soaked deep within my flesh, I can never rinse the stain.

My name lays shallow in their empty heads, they speak but do not know what they say, not truly. Words of bitter intent reminiscent of my past, this is where reality and fiction collide, and so, I become nothing.

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